Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Juggernaut, Your Character Design Collapses (7)

Flowing peach blossoms are as warm as spring.

A group of men in white clothes are immersed in the world they created, with a tall and tall figure, moving clouds like flowing water.

As the breeze blew by, there was a burst of fragrance, and the peach blossoms and fallen leaves flying all over the sky and the sharp and lonely sword light danced out cold sword shadows.

Xu Fuhuan stared blankly at the sword-dancing man in the peach blossom forest, his deep eyes were fixed on the afterimage of the sword-dancing man in white for a moment, but he felt various feelings in his heart.

This is not the first time he has secretly observed Hua Shijun practicing sword practice, whether it is in terms of moves, swordsmanship or the solitary aura around him, they are all exactly the same as the description in the plot.

But usually this person is not like this.

Hua Shijun is also really strange. He said he was kidnapped, but his attitude towards him is surprisingly good. He always hangs around in front of his eyes when he has nothing to do. It's nothing more than changing four or five sets of clothes a day. He chooses fabrics and asks which suit looks good on him.

But once he proposed to leave the valley, although he wouldn't embarrass him on the spot, at least he would definitely not appear in front of him in the next day.

After twelve hours, without a pause for half a second, he dangled in front of him again as if nothing had happened.

Which one did you play? Xu Fuhuan was a little confused.

Where is the problem?

Is it possible that Hua Shijun is insane? Got schizophrenia?

Withdrawing his eyes, Xu Fuhuan looked melancholy at the peach blossom petals flying all over the sky. The peach blossoms rained and fell in the air, and he stretched out his palm for a while, and the pink petals fell scatteredly on the palm of his hand. Yu's fingers are truly beautiful.

Hua Shijun withdrew his sword, raised his cuff to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and casually glanced at the position he had already noticed.

I saw the frail man in a green shirt with his lips bent, smiling openly at the petals in his hand, his black hair hanging like a waterfall on both sides of his cheeks, and the colorful rain of falling flowers fell on his hair from mid-air, and his shoulders On the ground, even on his hands, the warm morning sun shone on the two of them, and the years were quiet for a while.

Hua Shijun was infatuated for a while.

The indifferent eyes were gradually filled with strong feelings, and the corners of the sharp lips curved up unconsciously.

Yuezhuo shook his head, swished open the folding fan in his hand, and swayed it twice, before the person came to him, the sound first entered Hua Shijun's eardrums.

"I said, can you restrain yourself a little bit, at least you have to worry about the mood of me, a single dog."

Yue Zhuo came out from the dark, and walked to Hua Shijun's side, shaking his folding fan gracefully. The interest fell on the selfless Xu Fuhuan.

"It's really an unforgettable beauty, no wonder you fell in love with it."

As a senior task executor, Yue Zhuo has seen countless beauties. Especially the cultivators who are rich in handsome men and beautiful women. Compared with them, the man in front of them is not inferior.

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