Chapter 105

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Chapter 105 The Villain Is My Furnace (Extra)

Time flies, and the time flies by.

The sect that had suffered a severe loss of energy back then has been completely reduced to history, and the three Hua Yanzhi have also become forbidden nouns that everyone keeps silent.

This year, it was time for the Promise Sect to recruit disciples once every ten years. Compared with those days when you could enter a sect and embark on the road of cultivating immortals as long as you had some connections, the assessment of new disciples by various sect parties is obviously much stricter than before. After experiencing what happened with Hua Yanzhi, everyone tacitly believed that disciples are more expensive than fine.

In that battle back then, everyone's cultivation levels were uneven. More than half of the disciples of each sect were relatives of the upper echelons of the sect, which indirectly led to some disciples who were born ordinary, had good aptitude, and had no background behind them. There are no resources to practice.

The current sects take this as a warning, they only recruit qualified disciples now, the better your qualifications, the more resources you will get.

Bai Ling City.

A mysterious man in a black cloak stood at the window of an inn box. He wrapped himself tightly, revealing only a thin red lip and a pointed chin.

And beside him stood a handsome young man in colorful robes, swaying a delicate folding fan in his hand.

The young boy's bright eyes were staring fixedly at the testing platform built by the Promise Sect in the center in front of him.

Some children who passed the test were hugged and kissed by their families with joy, and some children who failed the test were hurriedly taken away by disappointed adults.

After watching it for a while, the young man felt very boring.

"Master, you come here every ten years to watch the Wuji Sect recruit new disciples. What do you think? If you fancy someone, you can just take him away. Why do you spend so much time here? Wait?"

The boy turned his head and asked curiously the man in the cloak beside him.

The man in the cloak seemed not to have heard the boy's question, his cold gaze was fixed on the testing platform for a long time, and his calm eyes looked at the excited or disappointed disciples.

The young man waited for a while, but his master was still taciturn as usual, he couldn't help curling his lips boredly, turned around and walked out the door.

With the sound of closing the door, the cloaked man flicked the hat on his head lightly, revealing a strange and terrifying face.

He raised his hand and touched his cheek, which was obviously clean and flawless, but he felt carefully that the totems intertwined on his face were slowly flowing in his palm like living things.

The man in the cloak, that is, Feng Lan put down his hand and looked at his palm with sad eyes.

He is no longer human.

If it weren't for the jade bracelet left by Xu Fuhuan and the cloak given to him by Chao Huan to cover up the devilish energy on his body, he must have been the target of these self-proclaimed righteous people to exterminate.

When Xu Fuhuan left, he was afraid that Fenglan would be overwhelmed, so he left Fenglan the news that Chaohuan was still alive.

After hearing the news, Feng Lan would frantically search for Chao Huan at first, until he repaired the whole thing. When she searched the real world and couldn't find Chao Huan, the disheartened Feng Lan planned to return to the old site of the Hehuan Sect to rebuild the Hehuan Sect.

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