Chapter 121

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Chapter 121 The Trash Picking Villain (16)

Xu Fuhuan didn't ask what Qi Jin found in the ancestral hall.

However, Dr. Hitt has a super intelligent brain, whether it is powerful or not, Xu Fuhuan doesn't know, but he knows from Dr. Hitt's memory that this intelligent brain named Xiaoding is the work he is most proud of.

After Hit was killed by him, Xiao Ding once pretended to be an ordinary brain and stayed peacefully on Hit's wrist. At that time, Xu Fuhuan's mind was extremely chaotic, so he didn't pay attention.

If it hadn't been for Qi Jin to find out that Xiao Ding was about to run away when he was handling the corpse, she might have really run away.

Xu Fuhuan initialized her data on the spot.

The intellectual brain named Xiaoding was created by Hitt. From Hitt's memory, Xu Fuhuan learned that this intellectual brain named Xiaoding is the most proud masterpiece of his life. It not only has independent thinking, but also contains Hitt's lifelong research effort.

It's not a pity to initialize her, Xu Fuhuan is not a pity, no matter how pity it is, it is not as important as their safety.

For Zhinao, the star network is her world. As long as there is a network, she can transmit any information to Hitt's people silently. Xu Fuhuan does not have Hitt's ability to tamper with data, initialize It is the safest.

The two of them had just cleaned up the Qi family's old house and were about to change places.

This time, Xu Fuhuan had Hitt's memory, and he took Qi Jin to find Hitt's real estate.

Hitt is a research fanatic, and he stays in the research room all day. For him, home is not as close as the laboratory. So apart from a cleaning robot and a bed, there is basically nothing in his home.

This is embarrassing.

How can two people sleep with only one bed?

Not even a decent sofa.

Xu Fuhuan was silent and glanced at the wide bed, then at Qi Jin who was in a daze.

"I'll give you the bed, I'll just make a floor bunk."

Anyway, he doesn't need to sleep at night, he just needs to practice.

After all, the blue planet is a prosperous planet, and it is not as seriously polluted as Planet Chasing. The golden light he saw when he was cultivating his spiritual power was much more intense than that of Planet Chasing.

Qi Jin didn't refuse. Those who came from Planet Chasing are more vigilant than ordinary people. The mute should be on guard against him, but...but he was so stuffy, what's the matter? Qi Jin went to take a bath sullenly. I took a bath in the living room, trying to evaporate the depression in my heart along with the hot air, but-the indescribable loss in my heart could not be calmed down for a long time. The more I don't want to worry about it, but my mind just can't control it, repeating the dumb words over and over again. Qi Jin irritatedly slapped his fist on the surface of the water, making a series of splashes. What happened to sleeping with him? The bed is so big, it's not that I can't sleep in it, and I even made a point of saying that it's a bed on the floor! He already regards the mute as his most reliable good friend, but what about the mute? But he didn't trust him at all. After Qi Jin came out of the shower, he looked at Xu Fuhuan with cross eyebrows. Xu Fuhuan was baffled by his humming and humming. When Xu Fuhuan came out after taking a shower, she found that the quilt she had spread on the floor was gone. "Cripple, you..." Looking around, Xu Fuhuan saw Qi Jin wrapping himself in the quilt. His tall body occupied one third of the bed, and there was a thin strip in the middle of the bed. The quilt, and his quilt, was placed on the bed. on the other side. Xu Fuhuan: "..." How did he realize that Qi Jin still has such a childish side? Xu Fuhuan shook his head with a broken smile, walked to the head of the bed, lifted the quilt, revealing Qi Jin Anmian's face, wrapping himself so tightly, he was not afraid of being suffocated.

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