Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 This little devil is a little cute (4)

Xu Fuhuan will persevere in calling 002.

But Jiaolong standing in front of the stone bed saw that Xu Fuhuan was silent for a long time, thinking that Xu Fuhuan was suffering from a wound on his back, he couldn't help but patted the back of his head in annoyance, his clear eyes flashed I blamed myself, secretly blaming myself for being ignorant of human feelings.

When he swept his tail at the beginning, he didn't lose even half of his strength. Now the master is just a mortal, how can he bear his strength? If he hadn't detected the fluctuation of his master's breath in time, stopped his hand in time, and used the inner alchemy to stabilize the master's injury, the master would definitely have died.

It was also his fault that he was too angry at the time and didn't notice that the master was among the group of people.

"Master-" always called wrong, Jiaolong couldn't help but feel even more annoyed, back then the master said that they would meet again, and he just had to wait quietly, but he didn't expect this parting to take thousands of years.

"You are seriously injured, and you need to rest more." As he said that, Jiaolong thoughtfully took out a quilt from somewhere, and gently covered Xu Fuhuan's body.

We have seen a lot of weird things, Xu Fuhuan is no stranger to them now.

Calmly let Jiaolong cover him with the quilt, and gently touched the fabric of the quilt with his hand under the quilt. He didn't know what material the fabric was made of, but it was silky smooth like jade in his hands, and it felt extremely tactile. good.

"Thank you." Xu Fuhuan frowned and smiled at him with delicate eyebrows.

"You're welcome."

"By the way, you saved my life, but I don't know what to call you?" He shouldn't call him benefactor, right?

Xu Fuhuan thought bitterly in his heart.

Jiaolong Xu didn't think about this question, he was a little dazed for a while, he scratched his long hair, a little dazed and at a loss.

"You, you can call me Ah Qing."

"Ah Qing?" Xu Fuhuan murmured.

Then he nodded with a smile on his face. "Ah Qing, I won't disturb you here, will I?"

Ah Qing waved her hands, looking anxious, "No, no, I am the one who hurt you..." Speaking of this, Ah Qing paused in vain for the next words, her green eyes dimmed, she seemed a little guilty, a little Blaming himself, he was silent for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "You should rest well first, as for the injuries on your body, you don't have to worry about them, they will recover in a few days."

After speaking, Ah Qing turned and left the stone room, and in the blink of an eye, He lost his figure.

What's going on here? Xu Fuhuan was puzzled.

When he regained his senses and looked away, he was suddenly startled by the transparent ghost approaching at an unknown time, his breathing was stagnant, and he almost screamed.

"Why are you here?" Even if he was jealous of this 'ghost', at this moment he couldn't help being frightened by this 'ghost''s ability to appear and disappear.

However, 'Ghost' did not answer, just tilted his head, as if looking at Xu Fuhuan.

In the silent stone room, except for the sound of ticking water, there was no sound at all, and the silence was a little scary.

In such a dense and quiet environment, Xu Fuhuan slowly regained his composure, regretting his impulsiveness just now.

What if I was impulsive and offended him?

But before Xu Fuhuan could apologize, the 'ghost' spoke up.

"So you are the owner that bug has been waiting for?" This sentence seemed to be curious, but also seemed to be puzzled.

Xu Fuhuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart, how could he be the master of that dragon? Before being bound by the system, he was just an ordinary mortal, okay?

But thinking so in his heart, he smiled and said, "Did you make a mistake somewhere?" The

'ghost' didn't say anything. He just stared at Xu Fuhuan in a daze. Until Xu Fuhuan fell into a drowsy sleep, when he woke up, the 'ghost' was no longer around him.

Sure enough, it is mysterious, it comes silently when it comes, and it is also silent when it leaves.

Xu Fuhuan was seriously injured. Flood Dragon didn't show mercy at the beginning, and he basically used seven-tenths of his strength for that tail. He is a cultivating fairy, and that strength can kill a cultivator, let alone a Xu Fu likes this human being.

If Jiaolong hadn't used the inner alchemy to renew Xu Fuhuan's life in time, Xu Fuhuan would have died long ago.

Xu Fuhuan himself didn't feel much, he just felt that his injury seemed to heal a little faster. Within a few days, the injury on his back almost completely healed.

And these few days. Apart from drowsiness, he drank the kind of water Ah Qing gave him back then, and he didn't know what it was. Every time he drank it, his hunger would be relieved.

On this day, Xu Fuhuan woke up again from his lethargy, looking at the bowl of clear water next to the stone bed, his clear eyes flashed, and then a gentle smile covered him.

Ever since Jiaolong left that day, he hasn't shown himself. However, every time he wakes up, Jiaolong will considerately put things by his side so that he can see them at a glance.

Xu Fuhuan knew that it was Jiaolong who hurt him at the beginning, but Jiaolong himself didn't know, so he felt guilty towards Xu Fuhuan, and he didn't dare to show up when he woke up. things by his side. To be honest, Xu Fuhuan doesn't hate that dragon. After all, it is his duty to guard the tomb. Although he doesn't know his relationship with the owner of the tomb, the fact is obvious that outsiders like them invaded his territory. It disturbed his cleansing, and even tried to steal the tomb owner's finances. It's just that they are wrong. After drinking the clear water in his hand, the hunger in his stomach was swept away. He got up and was about to put the bowl on the only wooden table in the stone room, but he didn't want the sound of soft footsteps to suddenly reach his ears. Xu Fuhuan raised his head vigilantly, and turned his gaze to the direction of the footsteps. After a while, a tall figure appeared at the door of the stone room. The lights in the stone room were a bit dim, and the figure of the person who came could not be seen clearly, without waiting for Xu Fuhuan to ask, the person who came was the first to speak.

"Huanzi?" A strange voice suddenly stopped Xu Fuhuan.

"You're not dead?" The rough voice seemed to be a little puzzled.

Xu Fuhuan doesn't like to hear this sentence, what do you mean he is not dead?

"Who are you?" Xu Fuhuan cautiously looked at the person coming, and unconsciously clenched his fists.

Under the dim light, the visitor gave a deep laugh twice, and after he finished laughing, he walked out from the backlight, only to see that the visitor had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and dark skin. Hei, with a very muscular figure, and the wide and thin Taoist uniform can't conceal the thick muscles of his body. Although he can't be called handsome and handsome, he has a masculine air.

It doesn't look like a Taoist priest, but like a strong general.

This was Xu Fuhuan's first impression of the visitor.

It wasn't until he found the existence of this person from the original owner's memory that Xu Fuhuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed a lot.

"Why is it you? Where's Brother Yan?"

These words came from the instinct of the body, when Xu Fuhuan realized it, he couldn't help but sink his eyes.

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