Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 Juggernaut, Your Creation Is Collapsed (4)

    After driving for several days and eating dry food for several days, they finally came across a town. Several people stopped their journey and found a restaurant to reward their internal organs.

    The end of the year was approaching, and the town was very lively. Xu Fuhuan sat by the window, elegantly sipping the fine wine recommended by the restaurant.

    From time to time, he talked with Wuchen a few times.

    Hua Shijun, who followed all the way, pursed his thin lips, and heard laughter from the seat in front of him from time to time.

    Hua Shijun held the cold sword in his arms tightly, and his gloomy eyes glanced forward from time to time.

    No matter how you think, how uncomfortable you are.

    When I left that valley, I originally planned to follow the man who called himself Ziqin to investigate the place where I was injured, to see if I could find any clues.

    But when he really left the Valley of Immortal Medicine, he still couldn't help but stop and wait at the foot of the mountain, and then followed the carriage uncontrollably.

    Hua Shijun can be said to be extremely depressed at the moment.

    His clear eyes glanced out of the window intentionally or unintentionally, and suddenly, a figure in the market caught his eyes.

    It was a tall and handsome man.

    In the man's arms was a petite boy who was wearing the same color clothing. The boy's eyes were full of anger, and his petite body was constantly struggling and twisting in his arms.

    The man's arms were like a rock, tightly imprisoning the young man in his arms, with the corner of his mouth twitching. With an unrestrained smile, there was a trace of light in his eyes inadvertently. A head of black and thick hair is pulled up high by a golden crown, and under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows is a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, full of affection and romance, which will make people fall if they are not careful.

    "Mu Yuntian, let me go."

    Under the man's gaze, the young man's cheeks were blushing at a speed that could be seen. There is a little lack of confidence.

    The man stared with satisfaction at the crimson cheeks of the young man in his arms. He curled up his moderately thick red lips and revealed a dazzling smile.

    "Hey, Xiao Qingqing, don't make me angry, huh?" The deep and hoarse voice was full of affection. want.

    After the man finished speaking, the boy's body froze first, and then with a bit of anger in his eyes, he snorted coldly and raised his delicate hand. The face glanced slightly over the head.

    Hua Shijun squinted his eyes, his body reacted before his brain, and when he recovered, he was already in front of the two of them.

    The man, Mu Yuntian, finally coaxed the little ancestor in his arms, and was about to take Qingcheng back to the teacher's gate, when he saw a white figure blocking the way ahead.

    Can't help looking sideways, when Hua Shijun's familiar face appeared in his eyes, he said in surprise: "It's you?" "You

    really know me."

    As soon as Hua Shijun finished speaking, the sword in his hand was out of its sheath . The tip of the sword oozing cold pointed directly at the man in front of him.

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