Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 This little devil is a little cute (9)

Zhang Liang's silence seemed to acquiesce to Yan Shao's words.

For a moment, Yan Shao's dark eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

Xu Fuhuan was not interested in the conversation between the two, he just lay comfortably on the grass, squinting his eyes and enjoying the joy of being reborn after the catastrophe.

What the nose smelled was no longer the cold yin air in the tomb, but mixed with the smell of soil and the fragrance of flowers, plants and trees.

Fragments of sunlight penetrated through the layers of leaves and sprinkled on his body, dispelling the haze that had been dark for days.

The three of them rested on the spot for one night, and early the next morning, Zhang Liang carried Yan Shao on his back, and Xu Fuhuan followed behind and began to look for the way down the mountain.

The way down the mountain is not as easy as imagined. Changshou Mountain belongs to the virgin forest. Even the hunters whose ancestors depended on the mountain for generations only dare to hunt in the periphery of Changshou Mountain.

When I first came here, there were those experienced desperadoes who led the way. Now there are only three people left. Of these three people, two of them are scum with a combat effectiveness of five, and the other is powerful but imprisoned. In terms of mobility, there is only one strong... magic stick left.

After several lives and deaths, half a month later, the three of them walked out of the forest in ragged clothes, which was more thrilling than the tomb.

Looking up at the blue sky, breathing the smell of human smoke, the warm sunshine fell on the bodies of several people, and the three couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. The string called cautiousness that was tense in my heart finally fell down.

It also made Xu Fuhuan feel that he really came alive this time.

I have been walking in the mountains and forests for the past few days. In addition to guarding against those large beasts, I must always be alert to poisonous insects, snakes and ants emerging from the jungle. Even the stretches of woods have become a lingering shadow in his heart.

He didn't want to see the grass and trees in his life.

Xu Fuhuan limped behind Zhang Liang, while Yan Shao was comfortably carried on Zhang Liang's back.

Yan Shao is the one with the best clothes among the three of them, and the only one who can still see some human appearance.

The dangers in Changshou Mountain are not casual, and Zhang Liang is indeed very capable, but there are two people who are holding back! In the past half a month, after going through life and death several times, no matter how good-tempered a person is, he can't help being irritable. What's more, Xu Fuhuan didn't seem to have a very good temper when he saw Zhang Liang.

The three found a family in the village at the foot of the mountain and settled down.

Xu Fuhuan tidied herself hastily, and went straight to sleep, but Yan Shao remained silent all the way. Seeing Xu Fuhuan fell asleep, he couldn't help raising his dark eyes to look at him under the oil lamp. Zhang Liang of things.

"When did you let me go?"

The voice was very calm, and it seemed that there was no anxiety and irritability of being controlled by others.

Zhang Liang turned his head slightly, his tough face looked expressionless, and when his cold eyes touched Yan Shao, he softened a little.

He frowned subconsciously, as if pondering his words.

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