Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 This little devil is a little cute (7)

As soon as Zhang Liang's words came out of his mouth, Yan Shao's eyes became extremely blurry for a moment.

People are not for themselves, heaven and earth are destroyed, and the things in the tomb are the treasures that Taoist priests who practice heresy dream of.

Since he got that notebook, he has been planning and designing it carefully. It can be said that with more than 20 years of careful planning, every step he took has never exceeded his budget.

But now--

Yan Shao stared at Zhang Liang unusually calmly.

"How did you find out?"

In his eyes, Zhang Liang is an upright and honest idiot. Although he is superb in Taoism, his temperament is too stupid, and he believes in one thing, and he will never turn back , commonly known as a tendon, this is why he took the trouble to make friends with him in the first place.

Unexpectedly, it was such a stupid and honest person who unexpectedly betrayed him in the end.

Is it because of his blindness, or Zhang Liang has been acting for so many years?

"Heh." Zhang Liang smiled inexplicably. She didn't take his words, but turned around and came to Xu Fuhuan again.

He squats down. Body, poked the unconscious person on the ground with that rough finger, playing with taste: "Still not up? How long will you pretend?"

Xu Fuhuan opened his eyes, and his dark pupils were stained with embarrassment. "That, that, why did you save me?"

The pill Zhang Liang gave him, after Xiao Er's identification, turned out to be Huichun Pill. After Xiao Er's popular science, if Huichun Pill is in the world of cultivation, it is not a valuable thing , but in this era of poor Taoism and thin aura, it is a priceless treasure.

"Perhaps you are pleasing to the eye?" Zhang Liang asked with a sinister smile.

Zhang Liang is a pure old man from East China, he is tall and big, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is not suitable for such a smile, but at this time, this smile fell on his face, and it was surprisingly harmonious.

Xu Fuhuan's heart was full of doubts. It's not that the original owner had never seen him before. Every time Zhang Liang came to Yan Shao, Zhang Liang always had a simple and honest look. He didn't talk much, and his expression was few. From, now...

"What are you thinking about?" Zhang Liang squinted his shining eyes, staring at Xu Fuhuan without blinking.

Xu Fu smiled embarrassingly, "It's nothing."

After speaking, he stood up from the ground and glanced at the few people who were frozen in place.

"What's wrong with them?"

Standing behind him, Zhang Liang said indifferently, "It's nothing, they like to be wooden figures."

Seeing that Xu Fuhuan opened his mouth to ask something, Zhang Liang couldn't help interrupting him , said: "Okay, don't worry about them, the stone gate is open, do you want to go in with me?"

Xu Fuhuan swallowed the words, and looked at Yan Shao with complicated eyes. He is not the one who trusts Yan Shao wholeheartedly. Shao's original owner had also been wary of him early in the morning, so he was out. After the blood, facing him now will not be disappointing.

"You go in first, I have something to say to Yan, tell him."

Zhang Liang glanced at the two of them indifferently, turned around and walked into the tomb without saying anything.

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