Chapter 141

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Chapter 141 The Falling Flower Season Meets You Again (4)

With a carriage, it was faster than Xu Fuhuan walking on his legs. In addition, Wu Chen was also worried about the hot weather, fearing that Hua Shijun's body would rot, so the two of them basically stayed together except for rest. Hurry up.

In order to avoid straying into the grievances and grievances of the Jianghu people, Wu Chen tried to choose remote trails as much as possible while on the road, just because he was afraid that he would accidentally get involved in the disputes of the Jianghu people.

However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

"Huh!" Wuchen stopped the carriage, looked at the fighting figure in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that we need to change our course." "

Then let's change our way." Xu Fuhuan hugged Hua Shijun's body, his palms were gentle comforting Hua Shijun who wanted to protest.

On the road for several days, Xu Fuhuan kept him locked up in his body and forbade him to speak, in order to avoid accidents. This made Hua Shijun unilaterally initiate a cold war while dissatisfied.

Although Xu Fuhuan hugged him all the way, but through the body, the temperature that made him linger especially couldn't warm his soul.

What he wanted was not such a hug, but a hug without barriers, like the hug that Xu Fuhuan hugged him to sleep that night.

That kind of temperature made him sink, made him linger, made him depend, and even made him forget for a while that his original heart was to protect the snow lotus.

This feeling of being invisible and intangible is really terrible, making him wish to break through the shackles of his body, and throw himself directly into Xu Fuhuan's arms, and is even more jealous of the body held in Xu Fuhuan's arms many times.

Although it was him too, he was just jealous of the body that Xu Fuhuan treated gently.

It's just a body that doesn't breathe, how can it be comfortable to hold him?

Just when the carriage turned around, the man in the black suit who had already noticed the situation here hugged the man in the blue shirt in his arms to get rid of the man in black, rushed to the front of the carriage, and slashed at the man in the suit with a sharp sword. The rein on the horse's neck was at the moment when the blade was about to touch the rein.

Xu Fuhuan, who was sitting in the carriage, had a flash of light in his eyes, and a burst of spiritual power directly bounced off the sword in the man's hand in the black suit.

"If you want my horse, do you have the consent of the owner of the horse?"

The man in the black suit is none other than Mu Yuntian, the protagonist of this world. Shou, but his Bai Yueguang, who is also the leader of the Demon Cult.

Ever since he discovered that this is Hua Shijun's world, he has also found out from his memory the plot that Xiaoer gave him back then.

Hua Shijun is not a villain, the villain in this world is the leader of the Demon Cult, and Hua Shijun's role is the protagonist's golden finger, but this golden finger has mutated.

When Mu Yuntian was injured and broke into Luohua Valley, at that time he lost all five senses because of the injury, and in order to cure him, Hua Shijun left Luohua Valley, went to the snowfield to look for snow lotus, and finally died on the snowfield. It was also the reason why Xiao Er decided that the task was completed and he left this world.

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