Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

At the beginning, Zhong Li disliked Xu Fuhuan's self-assertive behavior, but when he devoured the vine's crystal nucleus and evolved to level eight, his expression became less ugly.

On this day, Zhong Li had just finished dealing with a mutated piranha, when he keenly sensed the sound of fighting coming from ahead.

After collecting the crystal nucleus, he quickly ran towards the direction of the fight.

Close to the place where the fight is, what catches the eye is the black and white mutant beasts entangled with each other on the grass in front of them.

The black snake is larger in size, and it takes advantage of its length and softness to beat the white one. The tiger's body, as strong as an ox, was tightly strangled.

And white. Hu's eyes were red, and he roared in a low voice, as if trying to break free from the black snake's entanglement, but the black snake twisted tighter and tighter.


Zhongli's pupils contracted a bit, isn't this, isn't this the Beastmaster who brought him a huge crisis in the first life?

As soon as he was reborn, he was blinded by hatred, but he forgot the powerful mutant beast king in his first life.

Immediately he was overjoyed, the crystal nucleus of the Beastmaster, if he devoured the crystal nucleus of the Beastmaster, then...

he quickly hid in the dark with Da Zhuang, watching the two mutant beasts fighting over there.

Zhongli carefully stared at the battle situation ahead, at present the Black Snake had the upper hand, and Zhongli thought it was in vain. When the tiger was about to die, suddenly, Bai. Tiger catch. Taking advantage of the black snake's flaw, he opened his bloody mouth, and firmly bit the black snake's seven inches.

The Achilles' heel lies in Bai. Tiger's mouth, strangling Bai. The tiger's snake body softened, and the huge snake body limply fell to the ground. Want to struggle, but struggle without hope.

Seeing that the black snake was about to die, Zhongli immediately released the purple thunder that he had prepared long ago, towards the unsuspecting Bai. Humen threw it away, only to hear a 'bang', Bai. The tiger slammed on the black snake in response.

Hei Snake thought he was doomed, but he didn't expect things to turn around, taking advantage of Bai. When Hu was injured, he opened his mouth and bit Bai. Tiger's head.

white. Tiger struggled several times with his last strength, and finally died at the mouth of the black snake unwillingly.

Only then did the black snake shoot towards Zhongli with bare, cold vertical pupils.

The scarlet mouth was still dripping with blood.

"Human, were you the one who saved me just now?"

The black snake uttered words, entangled in the huge snake body, twisted its soft and slippery body, slithered, and arrived in front of Zhongli.

Zhong Li was eager to summon Zi Lei again, but he didn't want to lose control of his body suddenly, and Xu Fuhuan came out.

Zhongli: ...

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhongli roared angrily.

"We can't kill it yet."

Xu Fuhuan said to the unwilling Zhongli in his body.

This is a snake demon that has been cultivated to become a spirit, otherwise no matter how evolved it is, it will not be able to speak.

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