Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 My uncle is the villain [7]

The Li family looks very beautiful on the outside, but in fact, it is a nouveau riche. In front of some hermit families, the Li family is not even qualified to carry shoes for others.

The Li family started to develop under the hands of Mr. Li. Mr. Li was just a farmer when he was young. Later, he left his hometown and married Li Yanli's mother. He started to develop his Li family group by stepping on the influence of Li Yanli's mother's family.

And the Li family, under Li Yanchen's hands, has grown to its peak.

The foundation of this kind of family without background is not stable at all, and there are many problems in itself.

Leaving aside these issues for now, let's just talk about the relationship between Li Yanchen and Li Yanli. As the son of Mr. Li, the eldest son Li Yanchen has inherited all the shares of the Li Group, but Li Yanli has nothing. Why?

And Li Yanchen, he is the son of Mr. Li, yes, so his birth. Who is the mother? Why did Li Yanli's mother allow Li Yanchen to enter Li's house?

Also, Li Yanli's mother is not mentioned in the plot, so is his mother alive or dead? If she died, why didn't the original owner have this memory? If she didn't die, where did she go?

These are all problems, and they are all inside stories that he doesn't understand.

Since Li Fuhuan and Li Yanli parted ways a week ago, Li Fuhuan has been hiding in his room, thinking deeply about many problems he doesn't understand in this mission.

Why did Li Yanli become black? What has he been through? He has a good relationship with Li Yanchen, is it really a good relationship or is it just a superficial effort?

Li Yanli has secrets, and Li Yanchen also has secrets. Even the original owner's mother, Han Jinxian, has hidden a lot of things. This is the conclusion he came to recently.

Li Fuhuan always thought that the key point of this mission was Li Jinnian, but until that day Li Yanli suddenly lost his temper with him and poured out his anger on him. With murderous intent, he knew he was wrong. The plot says that Li Yanli has a strong desire to possess and control. He doesn't like anyone disobeying his orders, and he also hates anyone getting out of his control!

The original owner was very close to Li Yanli since he was a child, and listened to his words very much. From his memory, the original owner would never refute Li Yanli's words.

Therefore, in Li Yanli's heart, Li Fuhuan should be the obedient and sensible nephew who has been under his control, but that day, not only did he not listen to Li Yanli's words, he also acted inconsistently, for example, he scolded Li Jinnian , and stopped Li Yanli from chasing Li Jinnian. All of this was separated from Li Yanli's understanding of the original owner, which made Li Yanli restless and even wanted to kill him.

It seems that if you want to complete the task, you can only start with Li Yanli.

I just don't know if after so many years, I can still find any clues about the matter.

'Buzz buzz'...

The vibrating sound of the phone interrupted his thoughts, Li Fuhuan took out the phone from his pocket and glanced at the number on the phone screen!

Gao An?

How could he call?


After hanging up the phone, Li Fuhuan changed her clothes and took a taxi directly to the coffee shop not far from the school.

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