Chapter 145

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Chapter 145 The Falling Flower Season Meets You Again (Part 8)

[Don't be kidding, I finally fell in love, you can't ask me to abstain from sex for the rest of my life, can you? 】

Xiaoer spread his hands, sighed and said: 【Anyway, you have no mission in this world, you can also be a ghost, and you and Hua Shijun will be a ghost couple, so there will be no such problems. 】

Xu Fuhuan sneered, and said contemptuously:【Ghost couple? Are you sure I can really become a ghost when I die? Moreover, once I die, I will leave this world immediately, right? 】Speaking of this, Xu Fuhuan glanced at the restless ghost beside him, pushed away the person who wanted to climb on him, got up and came to the table, and poured himself a cup of hot water to warm his stomach.

【What are you worried about? 】

【You are pricking my heart when you say this, so many worlds have come, how do I treat you, not bad, right? 】

It is not bad, but it is useless.

Xu Fuhuan pushed away Hua Shijun who followed him out of bed and stuck to him, "I said, can you be more honest, you are messing around, believe it or not. Fuck you." Hua Shijun raised his eyebrows

provocatively , "If you don't believe me, fuck me if you have the ability."

He was so obvious, but Fuhuan's endurance is simply inhuman, or... is it because he is not charming enough?

Xu Fuhuan rolled his eyes at him, but he wanted to, but he could only think. Hua Shijun's Taoism is too shallow, and he can't control the overflowing yin energy at all, and he is a monster, his evil spirit, Hua Shijun, a little ghost, can't bear it at all.

Hua Shijun's memory has recovered a bit, but now his mind is only thinking about how to eat this person, how could he think of the disadvantages of combining the two? So he lay on Xu Fuhuan's body, and said with a resentful expression: "Do you not like me?" "I do." "


why don't you touch me?"

"The time hasn't come yet."

"What time is it?" ?"

"I don't know."

Hua Shijun: "..."

After all, he was just making excuses for not wanting to touch him.

Hua Shijun raised his head suddenly, his bloodshot eyes stared viciously at that face that was always calm and composed. He resisted the desire to tear off the gentle mask on Xu Fuhuan's face, and said word by word: "I asked you when the time was, and you said you didn't know. In the end, it was just because you didn't like it enough, didn't like it enough. It's just love."

Speaking of this, Hua Shijun let go of Xu Fuhuan's arm in despair, and laughed at himself: "I'm just an ordinary person, relying on your relationship, I have gone a few more The world, even delusional thinking that it can win your heart in this way, and even thought that you already have me in your heart because of the short-term relationship in a certain world, how ridiculous, isn't it." Xu Fuhuan wrinkled Mei, he doesn't like Hua Shijun's appearance, Hua Shijun's distraught appearance makes his heart feel very uncomfortable, as if his heart has been stabbed by a knife. He is very angry now because Hua Shijun doesn't believe his sincerity to him. Therefore, Xu Fuhuan directly blocked his mouth, isn't it just making love? Since he feels that only doing is love, so why not give. Xu Fuhuan hugged him forcefully, aggressively invading every corner of his mouth. ", let me go." Hua Shijun struggled to push the person in front of him away. He wants to tell Xu Fuhuan that he is not a plaything that comes and goes when he is called. He is a person with a heart. Give him hope, don't let him continue to sink. How could Xu Fuhuan not know what he was thinking! His dark eyes were full of anger, he hugged Hua Shijun directly and threw him on the bed. Taking advantage of the moment when Hua Shijun was in a daze, she leaned over to press him directly, her deep eyes suppressed the passion and desire in her heart, and her dark voice was somewhat cruel. "Since you feel that you love you only if we do it, then I will satisfy you. I just hope you don't regret it, and don't cry and stop with me."

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