Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    Follow the agent into the crew.

    Fu Xici was surprised to find that Jiang Liran was also here.

    "Sister Jin, what's wrong with him..."

    Sister Jin is Xu Fuhuan's gold agent for Fu Xici. She has several movie kings and actresses under her, so she naturally looks down on the notorious Fu Xici. But the big boss appointed her to take someone, but she was unwilling, so she had to take it herself.

    Seeing his question, she cast a disdainful glance at Jiang Liran who was greeting everyone: "You mean him? The investor came in, just like you." Compared to

    Fu Xici, she looked down on Jiang Liran even more.

    At least Fu Xici still has self-knowledge, knowing that he is not enough, so he didn't compete with those big names in the circle for the leading role.

    But that Jiang Liran was different, he didn't care whether to offend the seniors in the circle, relying on the support of the second son of the Du family behind him, he directly squeezed out Qin Lan who played the leading role.

    Sister Jin had long thought that Jiang Liran was not pleasing to her eyes. A few years ago, she ran up to her in front of her and proposed herself. After being rejected by herself, she even talked nonsense and told her not to regret it.

    Cut, what the hell.

    Of course Fu Xici knew that Sister Jin looked down on him, but he had confidence in himself.

    After saying hello to everyone, he walked into the dressing room with his head held high and his chest held high, ignoring the smug Jiang Liran.

    At the beginning, Assistant Xu arranged a special stylist for him, but what Fu Xici wanted was to let everyone see his strength, not the backstage behind him. So he said no.

    Walking into the dressing room at this moment, I saw actor Qin Lan sitting in front of the dressing table doing styling, holding a fashion magazine in his hand and looking through it intently.

    Qin Lan heard the footsteps, looked up and saw Fu Xici in the mirror, and smiled at him friendly.

    Fu Xici paused.

    When I greeted those first-tier and second-tier actors outside, everyone seemed enthusiastic, but he was not blind, so he naturally saw the contempt and contempt those people had for him.

    But Qin Lan's smile is different, his smile is like the warm sun in spring, warm and kind. There is no slightest contempt and disdain, but full of sincerity and friendliness.

    Fu Xici immediately took a liking to him.

    I heard that Qin Lan had a good reputation before, not to mention his cleanliness, and he never suppressed newcomers, but I didn't expect to see him today, it was really as rumored.

    "Film Emperor Qin." Fu Xici greeted in response, and then sat in front of the dressing table, allowing the stylist to smear his face, thinking about the role of 'Donglai Immortal' over and over in his mind.

    "Tianjun" is a story of a fairy tale.

    It mainly tells the story of the king of heaven, that is, the protagonist who went down to earth to experience calamity.

    When the hero was young, his family had a change, and he met the Beiming Xianjun who wandered here. Immortal Beiming was amazed at the child's bones, and immediately felt love for talent, and accepted the male protagonist as his only disciple.

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