Chapter 98

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Chapter 98 The Villain Is My Furnace (12)

[Help me locate Feng Lan's location. ]

Xiao Er was still explaining that it didn't mean that, but Xu Fuhuan just changed the topic with a chuckle.

When he first came into contact with Xiaoer, he thought it was very heartless, after all, it was just a bunch of data. It wasn't until after getting along with each other for a long time that he realized that Xiaoer's heart was very soft, so soft that he didn't look like a system at all. On the contrary, it is more like a person.

Xu Fuhuan doesn't know what other systems look like, but he likes this kind of Xiao Er very much.

Xiao Er pouted, and it knew that its host was using it for fun.

【Ding--Searching for the target! 】

【Ding-the target has been found, and the target is being locked! 】

【Ding-the target person has been locked, and the location is on the reef cliff! ]

Dark reef cliff?

What the hell is this place?

Xu Fuhuan frowned.

Originally, he wanted to lock Chao Huan's location, but it wasn't until Xiao Er reminded Chao Huan that it was not part of a plot mission and that it couldn't be locked, Xu Fuhuan then remembered the black dragon with whom he had a contractual relationship.

Xu Fuhuan directly used the contract to summon the black dragon.

Heilong has been immersed in the gentle township for ten years, left. hold. right. Hug, I am so happy.

He has been in that ruined place for a thousand years, but he has been suffocated. If he doesn't make up for the grievances of the thousand years, how can he be willing? !

The black dragon who had just experienced a drunken dream was about to embrace the beauty lying beside him, when suddenly, his soul was pulled by a suction force.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment, looked at Xu Fuhuan blankly and said, "Who are you?"

Where is this? Why is he here? Where is his beauty?

With a sullen face, Xu Fuhuan stared fixedly at Heilong's disheveled clothes, a strong fragrance wafted in the air, naked. Love remains on the exposed skin. Traces of desire, obviously indulgent. The appearance of wanting too much.

Didn't this bastard let him protect Fenglan every step of the way?

Is that how he protects? Have they all been protected to Wenrou?

Xu Fu was trembling with joy, he had been exhorted and told him to stay by Feng Lan's side, but what did this guy do?

Xu Fuhuan closed his eyes and found the original contract between the two, his heart moved.

Heilong was still in a daze, when suddenly a feeling of being torn from his soul swept through his whole body.

" hurts, hurts, hurts."

Xu Fuhuan pursed his lips, watching the black dragon rolling on the ground in pain.

If anything happened to Feng Lan, he would be the first to settle the score with this black dragon.


Xu Fuhuan changed her clothes and robes, and then used spells to change her face.

Chao Huan's skin is originally Xiu. The top handsome man in the real world, otherwise there would not be so many women willing to be his furnace, and Chao Huan also likes Yan. He was dressed in a bright red robe, and his appearance was really indistinguishable from male and female.

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