Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 The Trash Picking Villain (5)

"Kang, kuang, kuang..."

A man in uniform knocked on the iron door with an iron rod in his hand, and yelled at the people inside the door fiercely: "

No. He directly stuffed the nutrient solution in his hand through the crack of the door, turned around and knocked on the other doors one by one, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain.

The person named No. 9 was curled up in a space less than ten square meters, with his hands on his knees, his head resting weakly on his knees, looking lifeless.

It wasn't until the footsteps got farther and farther away that the person inside raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, gloomy, and looked extraordinarily pervasive.

Since he left the mute's house that day, he was seriously injured and fainted before taking a few steps. When he woke up again, he found that he had become any of these people in white coats. by the slaughtered lamb.

His blood is drawn every day, or his genes are extracted, and all-round anatomical research makes his life worse than death.

Qi Jin walked to the iron gate, picked up the nutrient solution on the ground with his thin and dead arms, and stared at the emerald green liquid in his hand with gloomy eyes.

"Green..." Qi Jin clenched his teeth, his gloomy pupils filled with hatred for this man named Green.

After drinking the nutrient solution, Qi Jin climbed onto the bed. He closed his eyes as if falling into a deep sleep.

He will not accept his fate, nor will he compromise. Compared with what Green did to him back then, what is this little pain? What's more...

Qi Jin was about to go to bed, and only by recovering his energy would he be able to stay awake when he was sent to the laboratory tomorrow.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a sharp siren sounded from outside the laboratory. Qi Jin turned around without raising his eyelids, planning to continue sleeping.


A louder roar and door slamming sounded from the rooms in the corridor.

Qi Jin frowned, pulled the quilt and covered his head tightly, what a bunch of idiots, it was so loud.

These experimental subjects will get sick every once in a while, and Qi Jin is used to it. He knew that they were not reconciled, and he was not reconciled, but what if he was not reconciled? Is making trouble useful? Can you escape?

In the end, it is not myself who suffers.

Just when Qi Jin was a little irritable by the sound of the siren and the knocking on the door, there was a loud 'bang', and someone punched the solid iron door down on his bed from outside. superior.

Qi Jin reflexively got out of bed. Rolled up and down, put his hands on the ground, and stared at the door with sharp eyes.

In the backlight, a slender figure stood at the door with its head tilted.

Qi Jin's face was full of displeasure.

He stood up with difficulty and rubbed his sore wrist.

After finally stealing a bottle of repair fluid from the laboratory to repair the tendons on the hands and feet, well, after this, it was all in vain.

What kind of grudge does he have with this person? Want to torment him like this?

Qi Jin's face was gloomy, and his dark eyes shot straight at the person who came.

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