Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Crowded train stations, noisy and stuffy waiting halls, all kinds of things. People of all colors piled up on the aisle of the waiting hall, dragging large and small bags, making it very difficult to get off.

Standing at the entrance of the waiting hall, Xu Fuhuan frowned. The original owner had never been out of the village, and he did not expect that the train station in this era would be so small.

"Er Gouzi, you stay here and watch the children, I'll go buy tickets."

Er Gouzi turned his head and glanced at Ning Qian who had been following them silently, and then at the well-behaved and sensible Liang Bao who nodded repeatedly, thinking secretly Think, what could happen? What happened was because the picked child was disobedient and ran away halfway.

"Understood, Huanzi."

Er Gouzi said indifferently.

"If you can't take care of it, you can throw things away, but you absolutely can't throw people away, you know?" There are

already enough people at the moment, and there will be more people when the train departs. Xu Fuhuan is very afraid of Er Gouzi At that time, what should I do if I just patronize the little luggage and don't keep an eye on the children, and the crowd will disperse when the time comes?

After repeatedly instructing the three children to follow the adults, they got up and went to the ticket hall.

The line for buying tickets had already formed a long queue, and when Xu Fuhuan bought tickets for five people to go back, Ning Qian had disappeared.

Not to mention Er Gouzi's wallet.


What else can Xu Fuhuan say?

Before leaving, he gave thousands of instructions, but Er Gouzi was still careless.

However, he can't blame Er Gouzi. After all, Ning Qian is really scheming. He didn't believe Xu Fuhuan and others from the beginning. When Xu Fuhuan went to buy a ticket, he said that he was going to the toilet. And swore not to run away.

Er Gouzi is a rascal, he is a top-notch romp, and in terms of scheming, he is really not as good as the hero Ning Qian.

After Ning Qian left, he never came back. It wasn't until Er Gouzi took out his cigarette that he found that the wallet was gone, and then he realized that the little bastard ran away.

Just run away.

Anyway, he has money on him, so he shouldn't have to beg along the street like in the plot.

Xu Fuhuan told Er Gouzi not to look for him, and then took the two children to check the tickets.

Ning Qian, who was hiding in the crowd and paying attention to Xu Fuhuan's group, was relieved when he saw them leaving. He took out Er Gouzi's wallet, dug out all the money from it, and took advantage of the crowd, squeezed On the train bound for the imperial capital.

Xu Fuhuan got on the bus and found a seat. He bought five tickets. The seat was three-seater, and the opposite side was two-seater. It was just right, and they were all their seats.

Xu Fuhuan took Shengnian to sit on the seat for two, and Er Gouzi took An Xia to sit on the seat for three. If the two children were sleepy, they would take turns sleeping.

After the train traveled for half a day, the announcement on the train suddenly rang.

【Good afternoon, passengers. An urgent announcement is being broadcast now. A child named Ning Qian is separated from his family. Please ask Ning Qian's parents to collect it from the broadcasting room after hearing the broadcast. ]

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