Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 My Uncle is a Villain [End]

This time, Li Yanchen not only angered Li Yanli who had been forbearing for many years, but also completely angered Han Jinxian who was going to watch the show.

A stormy atmosphere spread in Li's house.

A few days later, it was first revealed on the Internet that the president of the Li Group had cheated, which aroused dissatisfaction with his wife Han Jinxian. Afterwards, their relationship broke down completely and they divorced.

A month later, Li Yanchen tried his best to stabilize the turmoil in Li's stock caused by the divorce, but another storm caught him off guard.

The homepages of major websites have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, with all kinds of colorful features appearing overnight. According to. The video has attracted the attention of all netizens.

The video has been blurred in post-processing, and the protagonist in it has also been coded, but the voice inside is red. bare. Naked exposed the identity of the main character of the video.

Although the video was deleted immediately, there are still many night owls who like to browse the Internet. Some quick-witted netizens downloaded the video and saved it in a file on their computer.

Li Yanchen is red, black red black red.

Later, evidence that Li Yanchen suppressed his own brother for many years for the Li family's property appeared in various online forums.

Wave after wave of revelations.

The stock of Li's Group fell to the bottom in just a few days.

"Han Jinxian!" The cold Li's house was no longer as lively as it used to be. Apart from the servants, only Li Jinnian lived in Li's house peacefully.

Li Yanchen angrily swept the documents on the desk to the ground with scarlet eyes.

Li Jinnian lowered his head and said nothing.

He was also full of doubts.

Ordinarily, Han Jinxian was just a wealthy lady, how could she have so much evidence of Li Yanchen in her hands?

Just before he figured it out, the Li Group went bankrupt.

And what led to the bankruptcy of the Li Group was not only the Han family in the open, but also Li Yanli who was secretly manipulating it.

Although Li Yanchen is aware of Li Yanli's small actions, those are just what he puts on the bright side to make Li Yanchen feel at ease. For a person like him who is thoughtful and has a lot of power, how can he let his every move be in Li Yanchen's eyes Underneath?

He deliberately showed his flaws, so that Li Yanchen could feel at ease with him, thinking that his every move was under his control.

Li Fuhuan, who has been kept at home by Li Yanli as a fragile porcelain doll, has mixed feelings in her heart when she watches one drama after another.

[Ding-the blackening value of the mission target -15.]

The sudden notification sound interrupted his thoughts.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that Li Yanli's so-called heart knot had always been Li Yanchen.

It's not about Li Jinnian, or about attacking his heart. His direction has always been wrong.

The attack on Li Yanli that Xiao Er said at the beginning was useless at all. If Han Jinxian hadn't been angered by this accident, Han Jinxian had made up his mind to divorce, and then united with the Han family to attack Li's group, maybe his mission would not have been completed. So fast.

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