Chapter 97

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Chapter 97 The Villain Is My Furnace (11)

Chao Huan cheated and escaped.

Before leaving, he did not forget to cast a defensive barrier on Feng Lan who was immersed in cultivation.

Seeing that Chao Huan was running away, Que Ling took orders to chase after her.

Hua Yan's nature is selfish and selfish. He looks arrogant and conceited on the outside, but in fact he is cunning and sinister inside. He distrusts everyone and takes advantage of everyone.

He is also a cautious man.

The opening of the Immortal Secret Realm has attracted so many old monsters, all of them are hoping to find a chance to ascend in the Immortal Secret Realm, and whoever wants to enter the Immortal Secret Realm will be reported by the Immortal Secret Realm within a few days. Da Neng, who got a chance in the secret environment, left early.

And those who didn't get the chance were unwilling to stay in Donglin City. After all, Donglin City still had the fairy aura leaked from the Immortal Secret Realm. For those old monsters eager to ascend, although these fairy auras are not as good as the Immortal Secret Realm, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

If they were told that Feng Lan was a pure yin body, Hua Yanzhi felt that those old monsters would definitely do anything to get Feng Lan. At that time, Feng Lan's fate can be imagined.

Therefore, Hua Yanzhi didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so, but felt that he was doing a good deed.

Compared with those unscrupulous old monsters, he is still very kind, at least he didn't want to go to pick up Fenglan, but wanted to help him end the troubles caused by this physique.

Everything he did was for Feng Lan's good.

But he didn't want to think about whether Fenglan would accept his wishful thinking.

As early as when Que Ling appeared, Feng Lan had finished training, but at that moment he thought that woman was Chao Huan's old friend, although he was a little displeased, but this was the matter of that prostitute, and he didn't want to take care of it.

It wasn't until there were fluctuations in Chao Huanbu's barrier outside that Feng Lan realized that something was wrong. That woman has an accomplice, and the goal is not Chaohuan, it seems that she is here for him.

Feng Lan frowned and released her consciousness, only to see a young man and five women attacking the weakest part of the barrier with all their strength. And one of the women was his junior sister.

Although Chao Huan's body was made of spirit wood, his soul was a true ancestor of the god-forming stage, and he had taken Zilei spirit wood as a part from the beginning. The body is refined, and the treasures of heaven and earth are used to warm and nourish it all year round. The cultivation level is naturally equivalent to the body. At the beginning, it was because of the cloak that shielded his spiritual consciousness that Xu Fuhuan thought that his cultivation base was very advanced.

At this moment, Hua Yan's cultivation base is only at the foundation building stage, so it is naturally impossible for him to break through the enchantment of Chao Huan's transforming god stage.

Seeing that all kinds of methods have been used, the barrier cannot be broken.

Hua Yanzhi stared blankly at the courtyard inside the barrier with calm eyes. In my mind, I was communicating with the game system.

His appearance fell into the eyes of all the women, but he was disappointed and depressed.

All the women looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling sorry for Hua Yanzhi in their hearts. One by one lowered their heads in shame, secretly blaming themselves for being so useless, since sister Que Ling, who had the highest cultivation level, was not around, and they couldn't help Yanzhi at all.

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