Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Looking at the door that is close at hand.

He Jun was a bit self-defeating, thinking that as long as he crossed this threshold, everything that happened today would be regarded as a dream, and the day would be the same tomorrow. He didn't know his own thoughts, and he acted as if nothing happened.


fingers stroking his chest, his beating heart seemed to be telling himself that he was just deceiving himself.

"He Jun?"

Xu Fuhuan stepped forward suspiciously, his bony fingers raised his drooping jaw, and his bright eyes gently looked at the hopeless He Jun.

"So you really like me!"

Xu Fuhuan sighed.

But he couldn't respond!

This world does not belong to him, he is just a passerby, rashly using the original owner's body to develop a relationship, after he is gone, will the original owner accept it? So what should He Jun do?

Xu Fuhuan didn't know if similar situations had happened in the previous few worlds, and how he made his choice back then.

He Jun wanted to shake his head and deny it, but in his heart he acquiesced.

He is expecting his feelings to be accepted, but at the same time he is afraid of being rejected.

Really contradictory.

"If, if you can't accept it, you can pretend that nothing happened, I... I'm fine."

He Jun twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to show Xu Fuhuan a reassuring smile, but how to pretend, Still somewhat reluctant.

Xu Fuhuan narrowed his eyes slightly, retracted his fingers, and lowered his eyes to stare at the temperature on his fingertips.

Thinking about it carefully, these eight years are actually not without flaws. For example, when he asked He Jun to borrow money, He Jun took out all his belongings without saying a word. You must know that their relationship at that time was not even considered friends. .

For example, Mother He urged He Jun to get married many times, and He Jun would secretly ask him for his opinion every time.

For another example, sometimes he is tired from rushing to finish the manuscript, and falls asleep directly on the table. Every time he wakes up, he will have an extra coat or thin blanket on his body, and He Jun will always be by his side just right.

For another example, when someone introduces him to someone, He Jun always looks preoccupied.

Thinking about it this way, I have liked myself for eight years, but worried about my own feelings, and never said it out, and never put pressure on myself, and even paid for myself, but never thought of paying back.

Well, Xu Fuhuan had to admit that he was actually a little moved.

If in his own world, there is such a person who silently likes him, and he accepts it, it doesn't matter.

But at present...

His task is almost finished, and he will leave when the time comes, so what will He Jun do? When he returns to the system space, he will forget everything, forgetting that there was such a person who silently liked him, and forgetting that he was moved by this feeling, and he will not even remember that he has experienced all this. How unfair that is to He Jun!

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