Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 This little devil is a little cute (6)

Because of those memories of the original owner, Xu Fuhuan didn't want to pay attention to him at the moment, just turned his head, looked at the bottom of the cliff calmly for a while, and then said calmly: "It's below."

Hearing this, the fat man stared viciously Glancing at Xu Fuhuan, he lowered the rope to pull Zhang Liang up.

Xu Fuhuan followed the only light in the fat man's hand towards the bottom of the cliff. The dark bottom of the cliff was like a bottomless abyss. Except for the roar of the wind, only the rope touched the rocks and rocks. The sound of falling.

In this quiet tomb, it looked extremely eerie.

Xu Fuhuan only took one look, and felt his scalp numb and his whole body go limp. When he came up just now, because it was too dark, he didn't pay attention. Now he only felt that the bottom of the cliff was like a beast ready to go. Just wait for one of them not to pay attention, and they will all be swallowed up.

Taking big steps back a few steps, Xu Fuhuan put his right hand on his throbbing chest, feeling the intense emotion and uneasiness coming from his heart. That uneasy feeling made him feel an ominous premonition, as if something big was about to happen.

This feeling is very strange, but there is a bit of familiarity in the strangeness, as if he has experienced it before, but he has forgotten it.

Seeing that Xu Fuhuan only took a look, the fat man backed

away in fright, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Trash." He could hear it clearly when he landed on the ground, Xu Fuhuan naturally heard it too, his face sank, his cold eyes couldn't help staring at the fat man's back.

This man is so annoying.

The original owner hated him very much, and Xu Fuhuan also disliked him very much.

Looking at Fatty's back, Xu Fuhuan suddenly felt a sense of evil, if, if Fatty accidentally fell from it...

If, if he pushed Fatty from behind...

[Warning, warning, please host Correct your mentality in time. 】

Just when his hand was only one centimeter away from Fatty's back, the harsh warning sound of the system suddenly echoed in his mind, circling over and over again, piercing his brain with severe pain.

Xu Fuhuan suddenly withdrew his hand, hugged his head in pain, and screamed.

"What's the ghost's name? It scared me."

Xu Fuhuan's cry came so suddenly that the fat man's feet became unsteady, and he was almost dragged down by the pulling force from below. He couldn't help but put on a fierce look Looking back, he shouted and cursed.

Xu Fuhuan couldn't hear it at this time, he just felt that the system was too noisy, so noisy that he wanted to kill someone.

[Xiao Er, stop quickly. 】

However, the system did not stop warning, but just repeated the warning just now.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Fuhuan collapsed, and the sharp mechanical voice stopped warning.

It was also at this point that 002 made a melancholy sound. [Huanhuan, don't blame me, you were affected by the original owner's emotions just now, and you were almost swallowed by the original owner's spirit, and I did it for your own good. 】

Xu Fuhuan closed his eyes tightly, lying on the ground weakly, his whole body was weak, and his pale face was covered with cold sweat.

Xiao Er's words still echoed in his mind, yes, when did he have such evil thoughts? Although he can't say that he is a good person, he is not a bad person either. At least he can't do the thing of ignoring a person's life for the time being.

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