Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 The Trash Picking Villain (2)

The original owner didn't care about that person, but Xu Fuhuan had to take care of him.

What if that person is the villain?

Following the moonlight, Xu Fuhuan quietly came behind this group of people, there were quite a few of them, eight of them. There were as many as nine of them, all surrounded by a tall and thin boy.

This young man should be the leader of this group of children. I saw that this young man's face was full of rebelliousness, his chin was raised high, and his bright black eyes were piercing. It was his dull curly hair that neutralized his ruffian aura.

It seems surprisingly unobtrusive.

Among the other teenagers, there are three radish heads who are only in their teens. These children are all surrounded by curly hair, and their green eyes are pitifully staring at the half-rotten meat in curly hair's hand. fruit.

"Boss, is this an apple?"

A carrot head asked salivating, swallowing.

Hearing Luobotou's question, a hint of confusion flashed in the little curly eyes.

What is an apple? He hasn't seen it either. But...

If he said he didn't know, would it affect his status as the boss?

Little curly hair is still debating whether to answer honestly.

Suddenly, the strongest boy in the group suddenly said, "No, this is a strawberry."

As soon as he said this, all eyes fell on the boy who said it was a strawberry.

The young man raised his head proudly, and said triumphantly: "I ate it when I was young."

A group of people looked at him enviously, and the young man couldn't help but feel even more frightened, and continued to show off: "I tell you, I also ate it." What about apples and oranges! Apples taste sour and not very tasty, but oranges are quite sweet, but they will cause diarrhea after eating, by the way-" The young man seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up

. "I even ate bananas."

Thinking of the banana in his memory, the boy twisted a crumpled little one. With a tangled face, he said: "This food is not tasty, it is too bitter, and it smells bad."

Hearing this, Xu Fuhuan was almost amused by this sentence.

What does it mean that bananas are bitter?

Do oranges cause diarrhea?

Why doesn't he know.

It turned out that several teenagers had long been lured by the fruit in Little Curly's hand. Drooling in confusion, now seduced by the apples and oranges in the boy's mouth, his stomach growled.

One of the thin-looking teenagers couldn't get used to this ostentatious boy, so he couldn't help but hit him: "Is what you said true? How did I hear that bananas are sour?" "And

oranges are bitter." ?"

For a while, several teenagers began to discuss whether oranges are bitter or sweet.

From the memory of the original owner, Xu Fuhuan knew that people on this planet have never seen fruit, and the climate here is not suitable for planting plants. It is too hot during the day, so hot that it can dry people out, and it is too cold at night. It's so cold that if you go out to pee, you can freeze the urine halfway.

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