Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 This little devil is a little cute (10)

He walked in the corridor covered with wooden floors in black military boots, and the heavy floor made a 'creaking' sound following his steady footsteps.

Xu Fuhuan's footsteps stopped in front of one of the doors, and he raised his hand to knock on the door, but found that the door was only ajar, and the ambiguous and crackling sounds from inside made Xu Fuhuan His body froze, and then his face became ugly as if he was eating a scorpion.

It really beeped the dog.

Didn't Murong Su not bring people back?

Why didn't he bring it back today, and brought him into a study room full of secrets?

Xu Fuhuan put down his raised hand, just about to turn around and leave, but he didn't expect a voice from inside.

"Come in." The lazy voice carried the urgency of doing business. Panting and excitement.

Xu Fuhuan straightened his expression and made sure that he would not be affected by the situation inside, so he opened the door and walked in.

Pushing open the door, Xu Fuhuan was almost disgusted by the scene in front of him.

There is only a person lying on the desk that can be seen after entering the door, and Murong Su, who is disheveled, is lying on that rather immature body.

As if nothing happened, Murong Su pressed down on the boy under him, violently twitching. Move his male dog waist.

And that young man probably shyly suppressed the groan because of Xu Fuhuan's arrival. Moan. Only one path of boredom remained. hum.

Xu Fuhuan endured and endured, and finally endured the disgust and nausea in his heart.

Murong Su's change. It's okay to play outside normally, as long as you don't frighten yourself in front of his eyes, he doesn't bother to care about it.

What the hell, this guy, did he take the wrong medicine today? Let yourself watch him do business?

Could it be that Murong Su changed. Attitude level upgraded?

Xu Fuhuan had no expression on his face, he just stood at the door and thought to himself.

Xu Fuhuan felt that during these three years of experience, what he learned best was not fighting and guns. Law, but thick-skinned.

Just like at this time, even though he felt disgusted in his heart, he could still stand there with a blank expression, waiting for Murong Su to finish.

"Well, young,, tell him, let him go out, okay~" The coquettish voice was both soft and sticky.

"Huh? It seems that I didn't work hard enough, which made you care about other people." Murong Su said in a very wicked way.

Sure enough, after saying this sentence, Murong Su's speed became faster.

Clear sound of water damage and leather. Meat. The crackling sound of the collision caused Xu Fuhuan's face, which was slumped with all his efforts, to be cracked.

Madan, no one knows how to respond to others.

"Young Marshal, this subordinate has notified the Marshal." He said. Xu Fuhuan also took out the pocket watch from his pocket, looked down at the time. "Young Marshal, you still have about five minutes to solve your needs."

Anyway, he is not the one being watched, so what is he afraid of? Isn't he shameless?

that's the truth. As soon as Xu Fuhuan's words came out, Murong Su almost withered.

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