Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 The Villain Is My Furnace (5)

Xu Fuhuan fled back to the practice room hastily, and at the end, set up an isolation barrier for the practice room. After finishing all this, he gasped heavily and stroked his chest, which still had lingering fear.

The attraction between this yin and yang physique is really terrifying.

Now he can finally understand Feng Lan's mood.

Feng Lan on this side stared blankly at the black and gold ring that Xu Fuhuan gave him on his finger in a daze.


The little yellow chicken hiding in Fenglan's skirt struggled to poke out its fluffy little head. The two small mung bean-like eyeballs turned around twice in a treacherous manner. Seeing that the villain who had just pressed down on the master was gone, he ran out from Feng Lan's lapel with his claws hooked. Feng Lan's robe slipped onto his shoulders, seeing that the master seemed to be sad, he raised his little furry head and rubbed it against Feng Lan's neck, as if to comfort Feng Lan.

"Master, don't be sad. When Xiaofeng grows up, Xiaofeng will help you clean up the bad guys who bully you."

Hearing this, Fenglan raised her complicated eyes, and slowly cast her gaze in a certain direction.

The mysterious man in a black cloak stood bleakly behind Feng Lan with a long and slender body, as if the impulse from that moment just now remained in his heart.

This is the induction between him and the main body.

In the early years, he had an adventure and obtained a piece of Zilei Lingmu, which made him feel like a treasure. He spent nearly a thousand years collecting materials and making Zilei Lingmu his share. Just wait for his cultivation base to reach the stage of distraction, help him cultivate, and it can also be used as a retreat to help him survive.

Although he seems to be romantic and happy, his heart is brighter than anyone else. It seems that the highest cultivation in the world today is the stage of transformation, but it is not. There are still some old monsters who can live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, trying to sense the way of heaven to ascend to the upper realm. The ancestor of the Transcending Tribulation Period. These ancestors can do anything in order to ascend. His body is a pure yang body. Although this kind of physique is not a natural furnace like a pure yin body, it is also a rare physique for cultivating unintentional demons. .

He was born to exist for cultivating immortals.

With his physique, as long as he doesn't die halfway, he can ascend to the upper realm 100%.

If he hadn't used a special method to cover up his physique, it is estimated that he would have been eaten by those big bones by now.

Everyone thinks that his cultivation is obtained by picking flowers, but who would know that he, who has a romantic appearance and has picked countless flowers, still retains his Yuanyang for thousands of years? !

With his cultivation level and his pure yang body, if he double cultivates with others, it is not him who is cheap, but the person who double cultivates with him.

He is stupid to take advantage of others.

As for Feng Lan...

At the beginning, he just had some sympathy for Feng Lan's physique. A pure yin body should be born on a woman's body, but he is a man, but he has a woman's physique. One can imagine his future fate.

Tianjianmen seems to be upright, but what is going on inside? As the enemy of Tianjianmen, who else can know better than him? !

He originally wanted to save Fenglan, and didn't want his physique to become a furnace in the end, but it seemed that the development of things was beyond his expectation.

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