Chapter 20 Arc2

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Chapter 20 This little devil is a little cute (1)

Name: Xu Fuhuan.

Sex: Male.

Blackening value: 0.

Health points: 2.

After seeing the empty space for the last time, Xu Fuhuan resolutely chose to go to the next world.

Although Xiao Er said that he had already experienced a world, he didn't wonder why he didn't remember it at all.

The familiar feeling of dizziness had just entered my mind, and suddenly my soul felt a sharp squeeze, and before I had time to think about it, Xiao Er suddenly reminded me: [Be careful, Huanhuan. 】


He remembered that Xiaoer kept calling him the host.

Without waiting for him to think about it, Xu Fuhuan only felt the wind blowing from the back of his head, and a biting cold wind seeped into his whole body from his back, making him hairy all over, and the ominous premonition in his heart was verified after a burst of severe pain.

There was a loud "bang", Xu Fuhuan only felt his world spinning for a while, his body seemed to hit a certain stone wall, and the bones of his whole body were smashed by the huge force. Painful, he took a sharp breath, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes instinctively.

"Huanzi--" An unfamiliar yet familiar voice of worry came from the sound of fighting ahead.

Xu Fuhuan only felt like he was in an extremely empty place, because when the shout sounded, there were bursts of echoes from all around, and the echo plus the crackling sound of fighting made his eardrums buzz .

"Yan Daochang, instead of worrying about whether that kid is dead or not, I think you should worry about our current situation!" The male voice who spoke snorted impatiently, "Besides, I reminded you a long time ago, this kid, what are you doing?" I don't have any ability, and it's not all thanks to your help to get here."

"That is, it is a critical moment, and he has no ability, so don't blame us for not helping."

As soon as the voice fell, several dissatisfied voices around Then clamored.

Xu Fu smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't know what kind of environment he was in and what the situation was. These people accused him back and forth, and he was actually a little dissatisfied in his heart.

At this time, a male voice suddenly yelled "Shut up." As soon as the words came out, there were only various fighting sounds in the surrounding area, the male voice paused, and then said: "I don't even look at what's going on now!" , you still have the heart to accuse him here, if you don't want to die, first use all your strength on this snake monster, and after it is dealt with, no one will care what you want to say." Xu Fuhuan endured the pain all over his body Pain, barely opened his dizzy eyes, the place where he could see was dim, only scattered rocks and stones could be vaguely seen next to him, Xu Fuhuan forcibly swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and turned his gaze to the front In the sound of fighting. The unclear light allowed him to vaguely see a dozen people gathered together, as if they were fighting with something. At this time, a gust of cold wind came from all directions, Xu Fuhuan was seriously injured at this time, the cold wind made his hair stand on end, the chill and cold kept rushing into his limbs and bones, he couldn't help it I shivered from the beating, and finally passed out unbearably. 'Tick, tick, tick' the sound of water hitting an unknown rock, in this extremely quiet environment, seemed extremely harsh, and at the same time accompanied by a bit of fear. Xu Fuhuan slowly opened his eyes, and what he entered was a clean and empty stone room. He was stunned for a long time before he remembered where he was. The bursts of pain coming from his body made him take a sudden breath of cool air. In this gloomy environment, the cool air was sucked into his limbs and bones from his mouth, which made him shiver uncontrollably. Where is he? Xu Fuhuan wanted to struggle to get up, but found that he couldn't even move. Can't help frowning deeply. [Xiao Er, plot! ] However, Xu Fuhuan waited for a long time, but did not wait for the so-called plot, so he couldn't help shouting again.

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