Chapter 137

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Chapter 137 Immortal Venerable, Please Advice (End)

The time of Yuqing's retreat this time was uncertain, he guessed that Xu Fuhuan would definitely not stay in the Scarlet Night Sect obediently, so he simply left him a lot of life-saving celestial artifacts and elixir.

When the boy handed over the things to Xu Fuhuan, Xu Fuhuan was planning to ask Yuqing to say goodbye. Hearing that Yuqing had retreated last night, Xu Fuhuan thought that Yuqing must have guessed that he was leaving and did not want to tell him face to face. bid farewell.

Yuqing is indeed very talented in cultivation, and after going through this tribulation, his state of mind and cultivation must be even more unfathomable. It is normal for him to be able to see a ray of secrets.

Xu Fuhuan took the storage ring handed over by the boy, and then found an unoccupied place to enter the ring space where Yushui imprisoned him and Yuqing. He has been doing tasks these years, but the mute has been locked up by him. Inside the ring space.

Hundreds of years have passed in the outside world, and thousands of years have passed in the ring space.

When Xu Fuhuan found the mute, the mute was practicing with a bunch of radish heads.

At the beginning, he broke the enchantment of the fairy veins, causing the fairy energy in the fairy veins to nourish the spiritual plants in the entire space. No, many spiritual plants have opened up their spiritual wisdom, and even took human form early.

"Do you want to go back?"

Xu Fuhuan asked standing behind the mute.

Hearing this, the mute opened his eyes indifferently: "I don't want to."

Since the mute transformed successfully, the memories of his previous life also followed, and everything that Xu Fuhuan did to his body was also accepted by him. He knew that those things were done by the man in front of him, but those memories seemed like he had experienced them himself, without any sense of disobedience.



The mute raised his head, looked into the distance, let go of his gaze, and gradually sank into memories.

Dumb is not dumb, he is called 'Xu Fuhuan', there is no hidden background, just a young man with a dream, his childhood dream was to be admitted to the first military academy in the empire, to be a passionate soldier.

But he met Owen. Owen is an outstanding young man. He is handsome and has a gentle temperament. When he smiles, his eyes will bend into a crescent moon, and his eyes seem to be filled with stars. There is no doubt that he really liked Owen very much at that time. Owen said that he didn't like soldiers, because once he entered the military academy, it meant that he would go to the battlefield, and he would be afraid that he would not come back. He had to endure a long separation, so he abandoned his ideals, just for the satisfaction and smile on Owen's face. Dumb was genuinely happy when Owen took him home. It's just that some things are not as simple as he thought. At least Owen's parents were firmly against it, and it never occurred to him. Owen is used to obeying his parents' arrangements. When his parents said that he was just a poor boy and not worthy of him, Owen did not refute and chose to remain silent. Even when he was assassinated by someone arranged by his parents, Owen chose to stand over there with his parents. When he found Owen with injuries all over his body and wanted Owen to elope with him. Owen screamed in fear, which attracted the guards of Owen's family. There is no doubt that he was caught. Stopped, that part was caught. The life he lived in was a nightmare, even now, he doesn't want to think about it. Because it was so desperate, he escaped in despair and hid in a passenger spaceship. Later, he encountered pirates and was thrown to Planet Chaser by the pirates. The heavy despair and serious injury caused him to lose his memory, and he was picked up by a childless old man from Planet Zhu, but after he woke up, he never spoke again. The old man thought he was dumb, and even more so. It was a little more pity for him. The people on Planet Zhu have no moral bottom line. It is normal to kill a lot of people for a bite of food. When he arrived, the old man had already been beaten to death. At that time, he found that his skills were very good. He avenged the old man, and later occupied the site where the old man lived, and forbade the personal person to have any idea here. Such days until Xu Fuhuan's arrival. After that, what Xu Fuhuan experienced.

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