Chapter 142

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Chapter 142 The Falling Flower Season Meets You Again (5)

But what does all this have to do with him?

When Xu Fuhuan opened his consciousness, a group of upright people in white robes flying around glared at Wu Chen who was sitting on the carriage with righteous indignation, obviously they regarded Wu Chen as a member of the Demon Cult.

This Qingcheng has a good skill, and in his father's name, he has summoned many heroes from the rivers and lakes.

When he was kidnapped by Hua Shijun back then, Prince Yu was enraged, and at the same time, he wantonly suppressed these undisciplined Jianghu people. Later, His Majesty the Emperor also took advantage of the situation and caught Prince Yu's handle. Prince Yu was imprisoned on charges of treason.

He left too hastily at the beginning, but now ten years have passed, Prince Yu died, and His Majesty also changed.

And these Jianghu people are like grasshoppers after autumn. Once the old emperor died, the little emperor was only eight years old. They forgot the bloody storm back then and started to jump around in various ways.

Xu Fuhuan has no problem with the Jianghu people. How they play is their business. The only thing is, don't mess with him. After finally coming to the world of rewards, he just hopes to teach his little flower well. , had a sweet little life with his family Xiaohua, but he didn't want to get involved in the grievances between the protagonist and the villain.

For a moment, Xu Fuhuan wanted to be the emperor, and if he didn't talk about anything else, he just said these people from the Jianghu, would they dare to provoke the emperor? Do they dare to trouble the emperor? Do they dare to chase after the emperor and call him the devil? Another point is that he can't revive Hua Shijun, but it doesn't mean that there are no other capable people in this world, and capable people are used to living in seclusion in deep mountains and old forests, which requires forces to find them. In this era, the most noble and powerful person is the emperor who is above ten thousand people. Xu Fuhuan can also simply and brutally kill all these people, but he can kill those cannon fodder, but he can't kill the protagonist. With the protagonist as a shit-stirring stick, can he still live peacefully with Hua Shijun for the rest of his life? Xu Fuhuan never regretted throwing Mu Yuntian to the Demon Sect's people, the protagonist, he won't die, at most he will suffer some hardships, besides, the Demon Sect leader seems to have a good impression of him at this moment, then I can't bear much more pain.

Xu Fuhuan thought a lot in his mind, but in fact it was only a moment.

"Demon, come out."

"Young Master Qing, why are you being so polite? We have so many brothers, why are you afraid that he can't be a mere demon?"

Qing Cheng was concerned about Xu Fuhuan's identity, and he identified Xu Fuhuan as the demon. Even though the leader of the sect brought people to intercept him, he didn't dare to do it lightly, for fear that his senior brother would be in danger.

Qingcheng thought that his senior brother was still in the hands of the devil, and he couldn't help but think of the heinous methods of the devil's religion, and his eyes turned red unconsciously, "Thank you, brother, we don't know the details of the devil yet. I invited you to help, if you get hurt, I will be sad."

The upright man who said these words was moved.

"Young Master Qing, you are so kind."

Hearing you comforting Qing Cheng one by one, Xu Fuhuan's eyebrows twitched. Did this come to trouble him, or was it just a joke?

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