Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 The Villain Is My Furnace (15)

After traveling through several worlds, Xu Fuhuan has met quite a few people. These villains have more or less indirect contact with the protagonist, and have friction or hatred with the protagonist. Only Feng Lan has no relationship with the protagonist. It doesn't matter, just because he has a physique that attracts people's attention, he deserves to be stolen by Hua Yanzhi, and he deserves to be driven into a demon?

Is the jungle of the jungle?

Xu Fuhuan sneered.

Not to mention that Fenglan is his mission target, but to say that the person he was lucky enough to protect ten years ago has become like this now, no matter how Hua Yanzhi is slapping him in the face.

Xu Fuhuan let Feng Lan hold her, and he didn't know that Feng Lan was crying until a stream of wet heat came from his neck.

Xu Fuhuan's heart moved, she raised her hand without hesitation, put it on his back, and gently comforted his emotions.

Perhaps it was his reassurance that made Feng Lan feel at ease, Xu Fuhuan obviously felt a little relaxed in the stiff body in his arms. The mood of the whole person is also slowly relaxing.

This situation lasted for a long time, so long that Feng Lan let go of her vigilance, closed her eyes tiredly, and fell asleep just hugging him.

Fenglan like this is really pitiful, so pitiful that it makes him a little sad. Xu Fuhuan asked Xiao Er to untie the restraints on him, and then used a spell to let Feng Lan sleep peacefully.

Feng Lan, who fell into sleep, looked a little unhappy, maybe she was in a nightmare, her hands were struggling all the time, and she was still muttering something.

Xu Fuhuan turned and left here with calm eyes, holding Fenglan in his arms.

Although the fire element here is very active and can help Fenglan suppress the demonic energy in his body, but at the same time, this place is not a good place. There are bright red magma and rocks everywhere, which are fiery red, very similar to the color of blood. When people read it, they feel uncomfortable and depressed.

Xu Fuhuan brought Feng Lan to the bottom of the cliff, but the black dragon who was supposed to stay here disappeared.

This discovery made Xu Fuhuan's already heavy heart even heavier.

Although he knew that the black dragon was unreliable, he did not expect him to be so unreliable.

Just as he was about to use a contract to summon the black dragon, suddenly, the devilish aura surged, and a strange laughter came from all directions at the bottom of the empty cliff. The sound was unpleasant and piercing.

"Who is it?"

Xu Fuhuan held Feng Lan tightly in his arms, surrounded him with vigilant eyes, and put his spiritual sense to the maximum, trying to search for this voice that came from nowhere.


The strange laughter stopped suddenly, as if he had just noticed the person in Xu Fuhuan's arms, his fiery gaze fell on Feng Lan's face.

"This little baby is still alive?"

Hearing this, Xu Fuhuan's heart sank.

Could it be that there is really a monster sealed at the bottom of this hidden reef?


The voice that came from nowhere suddenly laughed again.

"It's true that even God helped me."

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