Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 This little devil is a little cute (3)

As time went by, the emerald green light returned to its original color because of the 'ghost''s departure.

"Why don't you speak?" The 'ghost' waited for a long time, but no one was lying on the stone bed. The person above opened his mouth and couldn't help asking curiously.

Xu Fuhuan twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little tired. He growled and asked if the ghost could stay away from him.

It's so fucking cold, didn't you see him shivering from the cold?

The fact is that he didn't dare. He was afraid of this ghost from the beginning, deeply afraid that he would accidentally offend him. If the end of offending him was death, then there was nothing to be afraid of. It turned into a ghost and fell into his hands.

He didn't forget that Xiaoer said that the way back was closed.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, trying not to make his voice sound trembling. "You, can you take your hand away?"

There was a pause for a moment when the little devil poked his face with his hand, and then he asked a little puzzled: "Why?"


Xu Fuhuan especially wanted to scold Zhi at this time. barrier!

Enduring it, he still compromised and said, "You're so close to me, I'm very cold."


before finishing speaking, the 'Ghost' suddenly stopped talking, and with a whoosh, the transparent body passed through the place directly. The seemingly thick stone rock disappeared in an instant.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

Xu Fuhuan stared at the wall where the 'ghost' disappeared in shock. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and he didn't even notice anyone approaching.

"Are you awake?" The strange voice was full of uncontrollable excitement.

It was also this voice that woke up Xu Fuhuan who was in a daze.

With a pale face, Xu Fuhuan turned his head with difficulty, and saw a man in an ancient costume in a blue gown standing in front of the stone room door, against the light, Xu Fuhuan couldn't see his expression clearly, only saw a bowl in his hand Clear cool water.

"You-" the hoarse voice started to cough violently.

The man in green hurriedly walked to the side of the stone bed anxiously with the bowl in his hand, he raised his other free hand and gently stroked Shun Xu Fuhuan's back.

"Don't worry, drink your saliva first."

Xu Fuhuan hesitated, then thought, could it be that this person saved him?

Since he was his own savior, he probably had nothing worth plotting against, so he took the water from his hand.

The water tastes sweet, with an indescribable refreshment and comfort.

"Thank you." Xu Fuhuan handed the empty bowl to the man.

The man took the empty bowl, and scratched the back of his head shyly. His long, black and beautiful hair was tossed like this, but he didn't see half of it. chaos.

At this time, Xu Fuhuan had the time to look at the man who appeared suddenly. The man's appearance was not as clear as his voice, not to say that he was not good looking, but that he was too good-looking, too good-looking, and even a little bewitching. The slender eyes are slightly raised, and the green eyes are like high-quality agate, shining brightly under the light, but not frivolous at all, and the palm-sized face has not been fully opened, looking It seems that he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his overly innocent and ignorant expression looks so innocent.

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