Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 This little devil is a little cute (12)

Murong Su poured himself a glass of wine leisurely, as if he hadn't noticed Xu Fuhuan's situation at all.

Instead, she sat on the sofa in a gentle manner, shaking the wine glass in her hand leisurely.

"Young commander, you-"

After pondering for a while, Xu Fuhuan was the first to break the silent silence.

"Marshal Li called just now, and he revealed in his words that he wanted to marry my Murong family. Regarding this matter, Adjutant Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Fuhuan is actually not willing to help Murong Su deal with these bad things. If Murong Su can Hold yourself down. Half. How can there be such troubles now?

However, since he was asked this, he naturally couldn't keep silent.

Su Su's expression on his face.

"The relationship between the two brothers of the Li family is not good. Li Dahai is partial to the younger son and beats and scolds the elder son frequently. Last year Li Anchen snatched all the military power from Li Dahai and drove Li Dahai to the countryside to recuperate. Li Anchen's youngest son was also driven to the countryside by Li Anchen. At this moment, Li Zichen suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng, and he is with you..."

Speaking of this, Xu Fuhuan paused to glance at Murong Su, and saw that he had a satisfied expression on his face. Leaning on the sofa, he took a sip of the wine in his hand, as if he didn't care about what Xu Fuhuan said.

"As far as I know, Li Dahai used to have a concubine he loved very much, and his youngest son was born to that concubine."


Murong Su raised his brows and eyes slantingly, without any surprise on his face.

"You mean his purpose is impure?"

"I think so." Xu Fuhuan lowered his head and said.

"Is Li Anchen still in East China?"

Speaking of Li Anchen, Xu Fuhuan saw the young man with a sinister and cold aura all over his body.

The methods are vicious and cruel, even worse than Murong Su's.

It's no wonder that Li Zichen sacrificed his body to come here. To quote Murong Su, not to mention Murong Su's appearance, but to talk about the military strength and financial resources of the Murong family. Among the several famous warlords in Huaguo, Murong Su is the only one who can oppose the Li family.

"Yes, he's still in East China."

"Is that so."

Murong Su suppressed the anxiety in his heart, put down his wine glass, and finally suppressed the words that reached his throat, and waved his hand feebly.

"You go back and rest first."

Following the sound of closing the door, Murong Su wiped his face viciously, thinking of Xu Fuhuan's serious expression just now, a deep laugh poured out of his mouth involuntarily.

What a stupid piece of wood.

It is true that Marshal Li called, and it is true that he wants to marry Li Anchen with his hands, but he brought up this topic, not to discuss with him who is using whom, he just wants to know what Xu Fuhuan thinks of him , do you have any thoughts on him?

However, the adjutant of his family unexpectedly brought the topic to conspiracy theory.

Xu Fuhuansheng's handsome and romantic, with a pair of affectionate and gentle phoenix eyes always make people mistakenly think that he has feelings for you.

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