Chapter 34 Arc3

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Chapter 34 Blackening the Male Protagonist and Turning into a Villain (1)

That day, the Soul Bead ran into Xu Fuhuan's body and directly recognized Xu Fuhuan as the master.

After becoming the owner of the soul bead, Xu Fuhuan knew that the ghost king was indeed taken into the soul bead by Yan Shao, and Ah Qing's soul was also taken into the soul bead by him.

Xu is that the soul beads are very familiar with the breath of this ghost and demon, so they didn't devour their souls, but just let them sleep in it.

Xu Fuhuan returned to the original tomb with the soul orb.

Perhaps, this is their best home.

He believed that Ah Jun and Ah Qing would wake up and break free from the control of the Soul Orb, and he also believed that sooner or later he would regain his sanity.

After all, this is their home.

And he is just a passerby.

[Host, are you sure you want to leave this world? ]

[OK! ]

[Because your life value is 0, so if you choose to leave the world at this time, your punishment world will change from a-level to s-level. 】

【Let's go! 】

The moment the soul left the body, Xu Fuhuan felt sad and guilty. If he hadn't chosen to go back to Xu's house, perhaps Ah Jun and Ah Qing would not have had an accident.

The moment Xu Fuhuan left this world, the soul orb seemed to sense something, and the light was shining brightly. Before Xu Fuhuan had time to be surprised, the whole person had already returned to the system space.

Xu Fuhuan stared dumbfounded at the little black beads happily flying around in the system space.

[Xiaoer, this...]

[You have bound a soul contract with it? ] 002 said in surprise.

Xu Fuhuan just wanted to say that he didn't know, but the memories of the past were like pieces of fragments, which disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, leaving only the shock that hadn't faded away on his face abruptly.

002: ...

This is the first time I found that the effect of 'The Past' is so amazing.

002 weakly flashed a soft light cluster.

[Huanhuan, do you want to rest or go to work? 】

Xu Fuhuan glanced bewilderedly at the black beads circling around him, and then glanced at Xiaoer who was shining with white light.

[Has my mission been completed? ]

[...] 002 regretted recommending the product 'The Past' to his host for the first time.

Weakly explained the experience of the last world, and then asked: 【Does the host want to rest or not? 】

Xu Fuhuan pursed his lips, looking at the cheerful soul beads playing in Yuzi's space. [Can you put it away? 】

【Yes. 】

Name: Xu Fuhuan.

Sex: Male.

Blackening value: 0.

Health: 0.

Collection: Soul Orb (Need)

[Let's go to the mission world. 】


Xu Fuhuan's soul had just entered this body, one after another roared like a beast poisoning his eardrums.

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