Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 My Uncle is a Villain [Fifteen]

In Li Yanli's story, his mother pressured him to have a good boyfriend before he got married, but that man was engaged in art and indulged in the world of art all day long, so he ignored her. It didn't work, Li Ran appeared at this time, Li Ran is the old man, Li Ran took a fancy to Gao Ya's identity, and at that time, Gao Ya was really beautiful, so the sweet words tricked her heart, and then Gao Ya broke up with the artist boyfriend , married Li Yanchen, and later had Li Yanli.

The two of them did have a happy life, but Li Ran is a phoenix man. He has a wife and son in the countryside. Now his original partner will come to him. How can such a proud lady like Gao Ya bear it?

So she often went to the bar to get drunk. During the process of getting drunk, she happened to meet her ex-boyfriend.

From the beginning to the end, the most innocent person is Li Yanli.

Because of this incident, Li Ran hated Li Yanli very much, and Li Ran's original wife was not easy to get along with, she was harsh on Li Yanli openly and secretly.

It can be said that Li Yanli's life from ten to twenty years old was unsatisfactory. This is the real reason for his blackening.

After speaking, Li Yanli lost control of his emotions. Those painful memories made his eyes struggle, and he rubbed his hands vigorously. He rubbed his cheeks, as if he wanted to deform his entire face, and then covered the emotions in his eyes with his hands, as if he didn't want his embarrassment to be seen by others.

Li Fuhuan walked up to him with a worried face, and carefully asked: "Uncle? Are you okay?"

Li Yanli said in a deep voice, "It's okay."

Li Fuhuan just sat down. Body, Li Yanli suddenly turned around and rushed towards him, pressing him hard on the sofa, his bloodshot eyes showed crazy possessiveness, but his gloomy voice just revealed the fragility of his heart.

"Xiao Huan, you like me and will always be by my side, right?"

Li Fuhuan: ...

What's going on?

Li Fuhuan looked at Li Yanli blankly.

There was no response from Li Fuhuan for a long time, Li Yanli felt a little disappointed, and there was endless anger in the disappointment.

At the moment Li Fuhuan lost his mind, Li Yanli smiled softly, "I'm just kidding, we are uncles and nephews, how could we be together."

At the same time, two voices rang out in his heart.

One said again: "No, you are not real uncles and nephews, have you forgotten the test report that Li Yanchen gave you four years ago?"

Another voice continued: "So what if you are not real uncles and nephews? In Xiao Huan's heart, You are relatives, uncles and nephews, and he always treats you as relatives, not other feelings."

A voice continued to retort: ​​"What about relatives? Just tell him that you are not related by blood!"

Then Another voice disagreed and said, "Have you forgotten the man he was hugging yesterday? Xiao Huan has someone he likes, and he likes someone else."

Someone else?

Li Yanli's expression changed.

Why someone else?

Since she didn't abandon him back then, and chose to stay by his side during the six months when he was gloomy and out of control, why would there be someone else?

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