Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 My Uncle is a Villain (10)

Li Fuhuan was wearing a hospital gown and walking in the bright and clean corridor outside the ward. The air was filled with light disinfectant. Li Yanli's ward was next door to him.

Pushing open the door, I saw Li Yanli lying quietly on the hospital bed with his eyes tightly closed. The sound of 'Dididi' pierced his eardrums.

Walking to Li Yanli's hospital bed, I saw him lying on his back. On the face, there was an elegant face, pale and bloodless, brows were tightly furrowed, thin lips were tightly pursed, faint blue shadows were covered under the closed eyelids, and the forehead that was usually covered by bangs was at this moment. Wrapped with a thick layer of gauze, the gauze was soaked in blood, revealing a faint scarlet.

Li Fuhuan gently dragged a chair and sat beside him, just watching him quietly.

At this time, Li Yanli fell into one nightmare after another of endless reincarnation.

In the dream, he returned to when he was young. At that time, he was loved by his parents. There were no quarrels at home, no so-called eldest brother, and no village woman living in their house with a half-old child. Everything was just like that. good.

At that time, he was the little overlord of the Li family. If he wanted anything, his father would deliver it to him, and his mother would look at them lovingly and tenderly, occasionally showing a gentle smile to his father.

How happy he was then!

It's just --

happiness is limited.

When he was nine years old, a village woman showed up at their door with a big child like him. The half-grown child called his father Dad, and stared fiercely at him with wolf-like eyes. He and his mother.

He was like a bystander, watching all that happened angrily, madly and helplessly.

Watching the ignorant but resentful village woman tell the half-grown child with malicious intentions like a poisonous snake, all of this should belong to him, it was Li Yanli, Li Yanli's mother, who took away everything that belonged to their mother and child.

Watching that humble woman who even his servants look down on secretly provoke the relationship between father and mother.

Watching the woman beat up her own child and tell the father that he did it all.

Just watching like this, watching his mother being caught and raped on the bed by calculation, watching his father looking at him slowly change from love to disgust, until he insulted and beat him at the same time.

The dream repeats side by side, from happiness to pain and despair.

His heart also went from being tolerant of anger at the beginning to losing his mind and becoming crazy. He hated, hated Li Yanchen and his mother, and also hated why his father treated him and his mother like this.

The monstrous hatred filled his heart, making him fall into a dream and unable to get out.


Just when his heart was overwhelmed by killing intent, an urgent cry suddenly came from his ear.

who is it?

Who kept arguing in his ears, and who was calling him uncle?

Who is uncle?

Li Yanli was impatient with the yelling again and again, and couldn't help yelling: "Shut up." The

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