Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 This little devil is a little cute [11]

Um? What's the meaning?

"You bastard, you dare to tease Master." Just as

Xu Fuhuan was about to speak, a sound of rage followed by the sound of piercing through the air followed.

Xu Fuhuan's body was tense, and with vigilant eyes, he caught a glimpse of a leather whip oozing blue light suddenly in midair, and the whip drew a perfect arc in midair, driving towards him fiercely.

Just when the whip was about to fall, the ghost king turned over Xu Fuhuan protecting him, and saw the frightening whip falling on the empty bed, and with a 'bang' sound, the bed instantly turned into powder.

The ghost king carefully protected Xu Fuhuan in his arms and stood still, making sure that the person in his arms was not injured, and when he was relieved, he turned his eyes to the angry young man in green clothes.

The pale and delicate face is cautious and serious, the thin lips are tightly pressed, and the thick black eyes are faintly glowing with a dangerous red light.

"Little bug, you've angered me."

With a serious and stubborn attitude, it seemed that she was explaining a very important matter.

Ah Qing Yao. Mei's eyes glared, her teeth gritted, and an uncontrollable anger flashed in her eyes, like an enraged lion. "Looking for death."

After saying that, Ah Qing flicked the green whip in his hand, urging the spiritual power in his body, and the spiritual power was transmitted to the green whip along the palm of his hand. Suddenly, a cold chill appeared on the long green whip Frost.

"Fu Huan, just stand here, don't move." After speaking, the ghost king conveniently set up a barrier, trying to block Xu Fuhuan within the barrier.

Xu Fuhuan didn't know what this ghost was going to do, when the ghost king turned to leave, he grabbed his wrist.

"Stop making trouble, this is not-"

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted his words, and then Su Yu outside the door asked worriedly: "Adjutant Xu, what happened?"

Xu Fuhuan stared viciously Glancing at this ghost, he whispered angrily, "Take care of me quickly."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the two with different expressions behind him, he walked directly to the door and opened it.

Su Yu heard a loud noise coming from here from a distance, and when he approached, he vaguely heard an unfamiliar voice coming from Adjutant Xu's room, which immediately aroused his curiosity. Look inside.

Unexpectedly, just poking half of his head in, a pair of leather black military boots came into his eyes, raised his head, and met Adjutant Xu's pair of red phoenix eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

His cheeks flushed, and he smiled honestly: "Adjutant Xu."

Xu Fuhuan didn't bother to argue with him, and rubbed his forehead wearily: "Su Yu, why are you here?"

Xu Fuhuan himself likes to be quiet, so he stayed In the remote corner of Murong Mansion, there were soldiers guarding it before, but since this ghost suddenly appeared two years ago, even the guarding soldiers were dismissed by him.

Su Yu suddenly appeared at this moment, it must have been done by that demon Murong Su again.

"But the young marshal is looking for me?"

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