Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 The Trash Picking Villain (4)

Xu Fuhuan patted Gululu's stomach.

From last night until now, no water has been poured in, the original owner can make do with water, but Xu Fuhuan is unwilling to wrong herself.

In addition, there is still an injured person at home, so he has to get some wound medicine no matter what.

I hope the original owner won't blame him for crossing his bottom line.

Xu Fuhuan didn't know exactly how many regions there were on this planet, nor did he know the forces distributed in each region. Taking advantage of the hottest weather at noon, when everyone was hiding at home and resting, he walked around one by one. .

After walking around for about half an hour, I finally heard footsteps in a place full of garbage.

Xu Fuhuan walked over cautiously, but--

when he went around in a circle, he didn't even find an entrance, which was strange.

Listening carefully, those footsteps seemed to come from the garbage dump in front of him. Xu Fuhuan glanced at the stinking garbage in front of him in surprise.

Could it be that the footsteps came from the garbage dump?

Xu Fuhuan covered his nose, resisting the stench, put his ear close to the garbage, and the footsteps inside became more and more clear.

After Xu Fuhuan thought for a while, he knew that the sound of footsteps should be coming from the other side of the garbage. It's just-he had been there just now, and didn't see anyone.

Could it be that this mountain of garbage is surrounded by mountains on all sides?

Xu Fuhuan only thought this way at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

But, if there are people living in it, are the people living in it crazy? How inconvenient is it to put your home inside and just talk about going out without mentioning the bad smell? If it weren't for his keen hearing, he wouldn't have known that there were people hiding inside.

Xu Fuhuan was quite curious about who lived in it, so he let go of his consciousness, passed through the towering garbage dumps, and found that it was indeed empty.

The inside is not very big, a maximum of 200 square meters. A small spaceship rests on the cleared flat ground. There is a tent next to the spaceship. A dozen tall and burly men wearing black military uniforms protect the tent airtight.

Everyone wears weapons in their hands, with firm eyes and steady steps.

Xu Fuhuan was a little surprised, but he didn't pull this bird. Shit planet, how could there be an army hiding here?

Xu Fuhuan planned to use his spiritual sense to continue to explore what was going on in the tent, but--

somewhere in the tent, his spiritual sense was blocked.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Fuhuan understood that the spiritual consciousness is somewhat similar to the spiritual power cultivated by people in this world. The spiritual power focuses on invisible attacks, but the spiritual consciousness is a higher level than the spiritual power. It can reach wherever the spiritual power goes, and all places can enter his eyes.

Although his soul reached the catastrophe stage in the last world because of Yuqing's relationship, but because of the suppression of the world and the limitations of the body, he is not as flexible as the previous world. So it's normal to have something with anti-mental power.

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