Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 The Development of Mr. Villain (3)

Xu Fuhuan and Er Gouzi returned home with a child in their arms.

The original owner lived with the old lady, and now the old lady has gone to work in the field, so there is no one at home.

Er Gouzi put down An Xia, and said with regret on his face: "It's a pity that such a beautiful girl fell into the hands of such a beast like you." "What nonsense, they are

my children now, Go, go, go home quickly."

Xu Fuhuan drove Er Gouzi away with a disgusted face, and returned to the room, only to find that An Xia had woken up, and was looking around curiously with wide eyes.

Children are very forgetful, and the old black did not wake them up, so they couldn't tell the status quo for a while.

Until An Xia saw a strange man with dyed yellow hair walking in from the door, her watery eyes were a little confused at first, then she seemed to think of something, her face suddenly turned pale, and panic instantly filled her eye sockets .

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

Is he so scary?

Xu Fuhuan unconsciously touched his face. In other words, he hasn't carefully looked at what this body looks like.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

Who knew Xu Fuhuan was sitting on the only bed in the room when he spoke. An Xia on the bed backed away in fright, and when her hand inadvertently touched Sheng Nian who was sleeping next to her, her terrified eyes were filled with tears.

Big tears dripped down the chubby cheeks onto the sheets.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

What else could he say? He never raised a child!

Xu Fuhuan frowned and took a step forward, intending to appease the frightened An Xia, but in this strange environment, and with strange people, An Xia had already been defeated.

An Xia still didn't understand what was going on for a while, seeing that Xu Fuhuan seemed a little unhappy with her watery eyes, she immediately covered her mouth tightly with her small hand, and tried her best to suppress the sound of crying.

Xu Fuhuan felt distressed by the way she wanted to cry but didn't dare, just opened her big eyes and wept silently.

"Little girl, I... don't worry, uncle is not a bad person."

After speaking, Xu Fuhuan felt a little funny, how could a bad person say that he is not a bad person?

Besides, although the little girl is young, she probably understands something. After all, she was clearly at home before she fell into a coma, but when she woke up, she was in this strange place.

In this regard, Xu Fuhuan felt helpless. I don't know if Shengnian will be more difficult than An Xia when he wakes up.

Just at this moment, the unconscious Sheng Nian let out a painful groan.

An Xia keenly heard Shengnian's voice, her petite body slowly shrank to Shengnian's side, her little hands grasping tightly. The hem of the clothes in the prime of life, the red and swollen eye sockets are full of tears.

This heroine is made of water, and the tears seem to flow endlessly. It made Xu Fuhuan feel distressed and helpless.

Sheng Nian is not as docile as An Xia. When he opened his eyes and saw a strange room and a strange person, his little mind was filled with plots and tricks for a moment.

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