Chapter 99

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Chapter 99 The Villain Is My Furnace (13)

Below the reef cliff is a large swamp group, the stench is suffocating, and the magic energy emanates from the swamp.

According to the lock of the system, Feng Lan is just under the swamp.

Xu Fuhuan sat on the body of the black dragon with her lips tightly pressed, her eyes fixed on one of the swamps.

"Ouch, it seems that your little lover is not here."

Black Dragon gloated.

"Go down."

Xu Fuhuan pondered for a while before ordering the black dragon.


Heilong stared in disbelief with those eyes that laughed like lanterns.

If he understood correctly, did this human make him jump into the swamp? How dare he?

ah! How dare this human being trample on his dignity like this?

Heilong really exploded this time. He is a good beast. First, he was contracted by a human for no reason. Let him jump off a cliff and he jumped too. What's the matter, and now he is made to jump into a dirty swamp?

Seeing that Jilong was so excited, his expression was full of rejection of the swamp, Xu Fuhuan's eyes sank, and finally he sighed: "Forget it, you wait for me here." Xu Fuhuan jumped off the black dragon and gave

himself Put an enchantment on his body, and jumped directly without hesitation. As soon as he touched the soft mud, Xu Fuhuan was swallowed almost in the blink of an eye, and there was a strong suction force from under the swamp, as if to pull him out of the mud.

Xu Fuhuan was in the swamp, the swamp nourished by the devilish energy was full of corrosive power, slowly eroding the barrier he set up, Xu Fuhuan frowned and added another layer to the barrier.

However, after a while, the thick barrier was once again corroded into a thin film by the magic energy.

In the swamp, Xu Fuhuan continued to use his spiritual power to set up barriers for himself, until he felt a sense of solidity under his feet, and then Xu Fuhuan realized that he was already in a dark and empty place.

It is not correct to say that it is an empty place. In fact, it should be said to be a barren valley.

There was no grass growing everywhere, the surrounding temperature was very high, and a burning sensation invaded his whole body from the soles of his feet.

Following the map given by the system, Xu Fuhuan walked straight forward and came to the entrance of a cave. The dark cave was like the mouth of a giant beast, waiting for the prey to enter its mouth and swallow it.

Xu Fuhuan stood at the entrance of the cave, and there was a burst of heat from time to time.

Xu Fuhuan took a step without hesitation, and strode inside.

After walking for about half an hour, the cave. There was a reddish light at first, and the surrounding rocks gradually changed.

Xu Fuhuan frowned slightly.

Could it be that he has reached the center of the earth? Otherwise, the temperature here would not be so high, and-

Xu Fuhuan watched the surrounding rocks become more and more red, and the expression on his face became more and more cautious.

Soon, Xu Fuhuan saw the exit glowing red in front of him, and he couldn't help speeding up his pace to go out towards the exit.

Standing by the exit, Xu Fuhuan looked in shock at the tumbling fiery red magma below.

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