Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 My Uncle is a Villain [14]

After Li Yanli came back, Li Fuhuan planned to postpone his original plan to go abroad.

Originally thought that this mission would fail, this world was his first world, and it would also be his last world, so he planned to enjoy this life until the end of his life.

Unexpectedly, when he gave up, Li Yanli came back again. This was a real surprise.

Knowing that Li Fuhuan had pushed back his plan to study abroad, Li Yanli was both happy and relieved.

He returned to the country this time, originally for Li Fuhuan, if Li Fuhuan ran away just after he came back, then why did he come back?

Now he just wants to keep Li Fuhuan by his side, no matter what his identity is.

Unable to restrain his desire to see him, Li Yanli tidied himself up in a personable manner, and drove straight to S University. Walking in the campus with a feeling of can't wait, his face bursting with joy, but when he saw a pair of figures, he froze on the spot in vain.

Xu Yihan forcefully hugged Gao An, who had been avoiding him for many days, in his arms, his face washed out of beauty was exactly the same as that of Li Fuhuan.

Gao An was stunned and allowed Xu Yihan to move, and after a while he stammered: "You, Li Fuhuan, what are you doing?"

Xu Yihan Qiao. The corners of her mouth pursed, her joyful eyes sank when she heard Li Fuhuan in Gao An's mouth.

"What did you call me?" The

hoarse voice was full of indescribable temptation. confused.

Gao An was taken aback, and suddenly pushed him away fiercely, his eyes filled with suspicion and search.

"You, you are not Li Fuhuan, who are you?"

Xu Yihan held Gao An tightly in his arms again, and sighed, "Who do you say I am?"

This voice? very familiar? "Xu, Xu Yihan?"

Gao An asked uncertainly.

Xu Yihan narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and cupped Gao An's cheeks with both hands, his eyes as deep as the sea reflected Gao An's exquisite and beautiful face.

"Well, I'm Xu Yihan."

Li Yanli looked at the two embracing people not far away with dark eyes, his hands hanging by his sides clenched into fists, his gentle eyebrows and eyes were full of madness.

He muttered in his mouth: "My dear little nephew, you are not good again!"

At this time in the professor's room, Li Fuhuan was discussing with his teacher about canceling his study abroad and staying in school. The reminder of 002 sounded in Qiao's mind at the right time.

[Ding--The target's blackening value reached 69.]

Li Fuhuan was shocked, what's going on?

[Xiaoer, what's going on? ]

[I don't know! ]

002 said in a mechanical voice with some dissatisfaction.

002 is very dissatisfied with Xu Fuhuan, the host. This host is the most passive and sabotage among all the hosts it binds. It doesn't understand why its host doesn't care about its own life or death at all, even longevity. Can't confuse him. I was very depressed.

Li Fuhuan: ...

Li Fuhuan hastily bid farewell to the professor, planning to go to Li Yanli's apartment to see what's going on.

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