Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 My Uncle is a Villain [Seventeen]

Everything Li Fuhuan did was hidden from Li Jinnian and Li Yanchen, except Li Yanli who had been following him all the time.

Knowing that Li Fuhuan is not from the Li family either, Li Yanli smiled.

How could he be unhappy?

His mother gave Li Ran a cuckold back then, and now Li Yanchen, whom he hates the most, was also given a cuckold by his wife, and by the way, raised his adulterer's son for twenty years.

He is really happy from the bottom of his heart!

Although he is not from the Li family, this cannot erase what Li Yanchen did to him in those years.

lie in bed. On the morning, Li Fuhuan heard the system prompting again and again that Li Yanli's blackening value dropped from 93 to 60, then increased several times, and finally, before he fell asleep, it was barely fixed at 60.

Before going to sleep, Li Fuhuan thought, what was going on in Li Yanli's mind, it really wasn't something that a mortal like him could guess.

Otherwise, why the blackening value came and went is also inexplicable!


The hot summer is not over yet, Li Fu welcomes his fifth birthday in this world.

The birthday party was held at Li's house, and Li Fuhuan invited some classmates, as well as good friends from college.

Wearing heavy makeup, Xu Yihan walked in with Gao An in his arms.

And Li Yanli, who hadn't stepped into the door of the Li family for many years, also walked in this time dressed in a personable manner.

Li Yanli was handsome and elegant, before he could say hello to Li Fuhuan, he was surrounded by a group of bold girls.

Even Li Jinnian, who has a cute and handsome face, has attracted many girls who are full of maternal love, leaving Lu Zifeng alone in the dark gnashing his teeth.

At the lively birthday party, with intertwined lights, Li Fuhuan left the living room while a group of people were drinking, and went to the balcony on the second floor. The temperature makes people drowsy.

"Xiao Huan."

Just in time, a soft voice sounded from behind.

Li Fuhuan opened his eyes, looking at the huge garden downstairs with his slightly drunk eyes.

Li Yanli put the wine glass on the handrail beside him, and walked towards Li Fuhuan with steady steps.

Before getting close to Li Fuhuan, the faint fragrance of Li Yanli's body mixed with the mellow smell of alcohol rushed straight to Li Fuhuan's nose.

Li Fuhuan turned his head slightly, and saw that Li Yanli's cheeks were flushed, his usually gentle and moist eyebrows were now stained with a touch of drunkenness, and his dark and deep pupils were as deep and mysterious as the night sky against the backdrop of the moonlight. Look, those eyes became gentle and bright like stars again.

Li Fuhuan blinked and licked. He licked his dry lips. Li Yanli's eyes fell tightly on Li Fuhuan

's bright red thin lips, and he licked them. The licked thin lips were crystal wet. Moist, made him swallow unconsciously, his deep eyes were like a bottomless abyss, getting darker and darker.

Li Fuhuan didn't notice Li Yanli's increasingly dangerous eyes at all, he just called him repeatedly in doubt.

Those parted lips. Li Yanli was attracted to Li Yanli, making him wish he could hold her in his arms forcefully and press him down hard. Next, plunder and taste to your heart's content.

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