Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Xu Fuhuan took a small look at He Jun, just now, the train conductor still looked displeased with him, why did he blushed in such a short time, not to mention, but also shy and innocent appearance?

Xu Fuhuan concealed the subtle weird feeling in his heart, changed the subject and said: "Are you going to have breakfast? Let's go together." He Jun

wanted to refuse in his heart, he felt that he should find a place where no one was around right now Calm down your uncontrollable heartbeat.

But the mouth said truthfully: "Okay, okay." As

soon as he finished speaking, He Jun suddenly had the idea of ​​slapping himself. He obviously wanted to refuse, so why did he agree!

Sitting in the simple breakfast shop, He Jun felt a little strange, even his hungry stomach was clamoring and protesting early in the morning, but his eyes still fell on Xu Fuhuan who was eating.

Xu Fuhuan is not blind, why can't he see that the conductor has been watching him.

Putting down the fritters in his hand, he slowly took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his mouth first, and then wiped his somewhat greasy fingers, a series of movements, elegant and calm, as if the place he was in was not a simple breakfast shop, but a The most gorgeous five-star hotel, called He Jun unconsciously lost his eyes.

This man was not the most handsome he had ever seen, but he was the one who caught his attention the most. He simply couldn't ignore the faint goodwill in his heart.

love at first sight? It doesn't seem to be. After all, when they met yesterday, he didn't have such feelings for this man. Why? It's never love at second sight, is it?

The entangled He Jun became more and more confused when he thought about it. He really couldn't stay with him anymore. He needed a quiet environment to let some complicated emotions go. He hurriedly put down the soy milk in his hand and smoked it from the table. Take out paper towels, coarse. Lu wiped his mouth.

"I'm done eating, I'm going to work first, take your time."

"Wait a minute."

Xu Fuhuan was looking for him for business, otherwise he had already had breakfast, why would he have another meal with him?

He organized his language first, after all he is not familiar with this conductor, "I, I just want to ask you to do me a favor, you know, I just came from the country, I am not familiar with Di, you are a local, I Can I ask you where the house price is in the imperial capital..."

Although he didn't say anything, Jun He understood what he meant, and he smiled awkwardly at Xu Fu.

"You want to rent a house, right?"

With the topic, He Jun's embarrassment dissipated a lot. He enthusiastically introduced which places are safe, where the price is low, and where it is too messy to go...

said In the end, he remembered that there seemed to be an empty room in the small courtyard where he lived.

"If you believe me, I can introduce you to a place where I live. There is a vacant house there, and the landlord is also renting it out recently..." As the old saying goes, it is easy to do things with acquaintances. Before noon

, Xu Fuhuan took care of all the basic necessities of life, the house was not far from the train station, and there was everything there was to eat, drink, and play. The most important thing was that there was an elementary school within ten minutes' walk from the house he rented. It was the reason why Xu Fuhuan finally decided to rent it.

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