Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 The Development of Mr. Villain (6)

It can't be a jackal, can it?

Xu Fuhuan pulled Er Gouzi over vigilantly, and pointed to the nearby woods with his finger in his puzzled eyes.

Er Gouzi has been doing pretty well with Xu Fuhuan for the past two years, and his thin body has become much stronger. After being reminded by Xu Fuhuan, without further ado, he put down the prime year in his arms and bent down to pick up a stone from the ground , and threw it in.

The stone seemed to hit the target, and there was a small muffled sound from inside. hum.

Xu Fuhuan was taken aback.

Is this a human voice?

Suddenly, Xu Fuhuan thought of someone.

In the past two years, Sheng Nian and An Xia have been under his careful care. Although he doesn't know if he has given up on Sheng Nian's idea of ​​running away, at least in the plot, the old lady who died suddenly from labor, because he is always paying attention, often uses the name of the child Supplementing the old man's health, and taking the initiative to work to help the old man reduce his burden, he is still alive and well, and the two children were also sent to study in a nearby town by him.

Although he changed the fate of the original owner and the old lady, but the fate of the hero has not changed.

Xu Fuhuan put An Xia in his arms into Er Gouzi's arms, and then quietly walked towards the woods.

Er Gouzi pulled Xu Fuhuan worriedly, and shook his head at him, indicating that it was dangerous inside.

Xu Fuhuan went through the plot again and again, and then compared the time of the plot to calculate the current time, which happened to be one day earlier!

"Take care of the two children." After finishing speaking, Xu Fuhuan walked directly inside without giving Er Gouzi a chance to buffer.

Sure enough, following the direction Er Gouzi threw the stone just now, Xu Fuhuan saw a dirty boy trembling and hiding in the bushes under the moonlight.

When Ning Qian saw someone coming, he was vigilant at first, and then took advantage of Xu Fuhuan's inattention, and ran away.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

After all, Er Gouzi was worried about Xu Fuhuan, so he asked the two children to stand in place and follow him in. Suddenly, a child rushed over and bumped into his arms. Hold the child's arm.

"Huanzi, whose child is this?"

Er Gouzi asked Xu Fuhuan while carrying Ning Qian who was struggling and screaming.

Xu Fuhuan shook his head.

"I don't know either. I'm not afraid of being eaten by jackals if I hide here at night."

Xu Fuhuan didn't want to care about Ning Qian at first, but he suddenly thought that Sheng Nian, An Xia, and Ning Qian The complex relationship between individuals.

"Take it back first, and ask whose child is lost tomorrow."

Hearing this, Ning Qian's already struggling body became even more severe.

"No, don't send me back, I beg you, I was kidnapped and trafficked, I have parents, please let me go, please let me go..." Ning Qian started talking

. Crying, dirty little. His face was full of snot and tears.

You can't make Er Gouzi disgusting.

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