Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Juggernaut, Your Creation Is Collapsed (12)

"Water, water..."

Wet sweat stains covered the entire forehead, and the long hair scattered around wetly stuck to the cheeks. Curly lips. The cracked petals ooze a little scarlet.

This little thing is really pitiful.

Xu Fuhuan sighed in resignation, he really owed him.

There is water everywhere outside, and there are utensils that can hold water...

"Young master, let's go."

Xu Da quickly put on his coat, took off the dagger he carried with him, braved the heavy rain, and ran away despite Xu Fuhuan's obstruction go out.

Looking at the back gradually disappearing in the rain, Xu Fuhuan shook his head and returned to Hua Shijun's side. Perhaps because his body was hot, he tore off the outer robe covering his body, revealing the thin inner garment inside. Drenched in cold sweat. He took off his thin shirt, and his whole body seemed to have been soaked in cold water, tightly attached to his skin.

This is what it means to be forgiven for doing evil by heaven, but not to be able to live by doing evil yourself.

Xu Fuhuan resigned to his fate again and took off his outer shirt, wanting to change it for Hua Shijun. The body has been soaked in sweat. Wet underwear.

Xu Fuhuan did not expect that under the thin underwear, there was a dazzling white skin, which was delicate and tender. Meat really shouldn't appear on a man.

Xu Fuhuan glanced at his smooth and tender skin with disgust, lowered his eyes and murmured: "Oh, I don't know if it's your unlucky luck or my unlucky one, anyway, I haven't had a safe life since the two of us met. One day."

"Of course--" Xu Fuhuan pondered for a while, and then smiled at himself: "It's more unlucky for you. First, someone smashed your head into a big hole, and then I fell down because of it." I don't know if I can go out of this ghostly place."

As he was distracted, the cloth that was wiping his chest involuntarily intensified a little. The nail of the little finger accidentally scratched the bright red on Hua Shijun's chest.

In an instant, that bright red was like a poplar standing upright in the cold air.

Xu Fuhuan's wiping hand froze.

Why does he feel like a hooligan now? And Hua Shijun is like that good woman who was molested, lying on the ground powerlessly and at the mercy of others, letting her hands wander around his body? !

At just the right time, a gust of cold wind blew in from the entrance of the cave, and the bonfire was extinguished, and Junguang spent time lying beside the bonfire. bare. With the upper body covered, under the blowing of the cold wind, the hairs stood everywhere, while the other bright red flower, under the stimulation of the cold wind, became better and symmetrical.

The unconscious Hua Shijun shuddered.


This murmur finally brought back Xu Fuhuan's sanity.

Xu Fuhuan glanced at the unconscious Hua Shijun with a strange expression, and then at the hand resting on Hua Shijun's body.

This image really looks like a wretched hooligan.

It's just too shy.

Xu Fuhuan covered her face in embarrassment.

How could he do such a shameless thing? ! Even if it's unintentional, it's not okay.

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