Chapter 104

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Chapter 104 The Villain Is My Furnace (End)

After Xu Fuhuan sold the news to Tianbao Pavilion, he got rid of the people who were following him, and then ran back into Tianbao Pavilion in a different form.

Later, they used the same method to sell the news one after another to several other forces.

The news of Xu Fuhuan's sale this time is Hua Yanzhi's position.

An artifact may not be enough for those powerful families to compete for it, but what if Hua Yanzhi has not only artifacts, but also divine beasts and treasures of chaos, and maybe even treasures of heaven and earth that can improve cultivation without side effects?

Can these attract people's hearts? Can you lure me. Confused those great powers whose lifespan is approaching?

The owner of the Tianyin Pavilion didn't believe Xu Fuhuan's words at first, but the owner of the Tianbao Pavilion who had been suppressed by the Tianyin Pavilion for thousands of years believed it. Left. hold. right. Hug, very happy Hua Yanzhi.

The owner of Tianbao Pavilion actually had an attitude of giving it a try in his heart, and Hua Yanzhi was only at the foundation stage back then, so he underestimated Xu Fuhuan's instructions and only brought a few Jindan stage disciples into the secret realm.

This beating didn't matter, several Golden Core stage disciples all died in the hands of Hua Yanzhi, not to mention, the master of Tianbao Pavilion in the middle stage of Yuanying almost died in Hua Yanzhi's hands.

If he hadn't been clever in the end and used the teleportation talisman to send himself away, he would have died in Hua Yan's hands.

As the well-informed Tianyin Pavilion, it was naturally the first to receive the news. It was learned that the head of the rival Tianbao Pavilion was seriously injured, and the news came back from the chess pieces buried in the early years.

Tianyin Pavilion quickly rushed to the secret place where Hua Yanzhi was hiding.

I don't know whether Hua Yanzhi is big-hearted or really confident that he can deal with it.

When the people from Tianyin Pavilion arrived, Hua Yanzhi hadn't left yet.

Xu Fuhuan has been hiding in the dark watching their every move.

The people in Tianyin Pavilion didn't underestimate the enemy, but they didn't expect that there was an unfathomable power hidden beside Hua Yanzhi.

Xu Fuhuan frowned subconsciously as he watched the people in Tianyin Pavilion almost wiped out.

This Da Neng is a woman, and she is also an unusually charming beauty, her every frown and smile is full of amorous feelings.

What puzzled Xu Fuhuan was that this woman did not appear in the plot.

[This woman is from the Upper Realm. 】

Xiao Er kindly reminded.

Why are people from the upper realm here?

The already heavy heart is even worse now.

As expected of the darling of luck, several important women died, and even more powerful women were sent to him immediately.

Xiao Er thought for a while, 【It should be related to your killing the Demon Lord. 】


【How to say? ]

[The plot is divided into two parts, the first one is Diaosi's counterattack, which is the plot I passed on to you at the beginning, and the second one is after Hua Yanzhi's ascension, killing the Quartet, unifying the entire upper realm, and sitting on the throne of God position, and then took his women through time and space, returning to the modern plot. I didn't pass on the second part to you, except that it has nothing to do with you, and it's also because with your arrival, you saved Feng Lan, so that he didn't die. Correspondingly, Feng Lan's luck will not be affected by Hua If he is left alone, then his achievements in this life will not reach that high. 】

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