Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 The Villain Is My Furnace (7)

With the appearance of the protagonist, the plot also deviates. The fairy secret realm that was not opened before, is now full of white light, and a vortex appears out of thin air. The rich fairy spirit slowly leaked from the vortex into the air.

The few powers standing near the vortex did not hide the greed in their eyes, but each of them hesitated in place.

Compared with those passionate young disciples who are eager to try, these old monsters are much more cautious.

Having cultivated to their height, they are only one step away from ascension, and it is only natural for them to hesitate in the face of a secret environment that they know nothing about. After all, the more advanced a person is, the more he fears death.

A few desperate and bold Sanxian sneaked close to the whirlpool while the powerful guards of the whirlpool were discussing, but they didn't want to be discovered by the powerful who had already locked everyone with their spiritual sense earlier in the morning after taking two steps.

One of them, who had an even feminine face, let out a cold snort, and a burst of spiritual power hit him. The Sanxians didn't even have the ability to resist, and they disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone suddenly sighed. In this world, strength is respected, and the weak prey on the strong. If you can't beat others, you can only accept your fate.

No one wants to risk their lives in vain.

The situation fell into a stalemate for a while.

Suddenly, a voice said in surprise: "Look, the vortex is getting smaller."

Sure enough, everyone found that the vortex was in the flesh. Slowly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a few breaths, the vortex has already shrunk by half.

At this moment, the powerful people no longer cared about the worries in their hearts, and plunged into the vortex without hesitation.

With the disappearance of the great powers, everyone realized now that every time a person enters, the vortex will become smaller.

It was also at this moment that everyone realized that there is a limit on the number of people in this secret realm.

Xu Fuhuan was also thinking the same way, but his eyes were looking for Hua Yanzhi's figure in the crowd.

Wherever his eyes went, it was no surprise that Hua Yanzhi and his harem had long since disappeared.

Xu Fuhuan frowned, just now his attention was attracted by a few loose immortals who didn't care about their lives, and after thinking about it, he remembered Hua Yanzhi who disappeared at some time.

When exactly did he disappear?

And how did you sneak in under the watchful eyes of everyone?

Xu Fuhuan didn't have time to think about it. Seeing the vortex getting smaller and lighter in color, Xu Fuhuan directly embraced Feng Lan in his arms. He solemnly warned: "Don't struggle later."

After finishing speaking, Xu Fuhuan followed closely behind the last powerful person, and directly plunged into the vortex that was already fading and was about to dissipate.

Chao Huan had quick eyes and quick hands, the moment Xu Fuhuan just stepped in, he grabbed Xu Fuhuan's clothes and ran in.

With the disappearance of these three people, the whirlpool just disappeared in mid-air.

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