Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 My Uncle is a Villain [11]

In the somewhat rigorous ward, after Li Fuhuan left, there was only the beeping sound of the machine.

Li Yanli lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes concealed the emotion in his eyes, and there was a faint smile on his slightly raised lips.

"Brother, what do you want to discuss with me?" There was a hint of awe in the soft voice.

Li Yanchen didn't speak, but just sat on the sofa motionless, his dark and deep eyes stared straight at this white-eyed wolf who seemed to have nothing to do with the world, but actually had evil intentions inside.

Li Yanchen has never understood why his younger brother is so unwilling?

Gao Ya robbed his mother's husband, he robbed his own father, when he was a child, he followed his mother in the countryside without enough food and clothing, but this so-called younger brother enjoyed the glory and wealth that he couldn't even imagine. Shouldn't they want to get back everything that their mother and child deserve?

Winners and losers, that's all.

What reason does he have to hate them?

"The car accident has already been dealt with by the police station. It was two rich second generations driving late at night and accidentally bumped into your car. Those two people are also in this hospital. What you want to do at that time is up to you. How do you want to deal with it?"

Li Yanchen spoke after a while.

The cold voice reveals a cold heart.

The corner of Li Yanli's mouth raised a slight smile. "Understood."

"One more thing." Speaking of this, Li Yanchen picked up the document beside him, his wise eyes flashed, "You can take a look at this." After finishing

speaking, he stood up and held the document in his hand. The document was handed over to Li Yanli.

It was a DNA comparison testimonial, with a series of professional terms on it, he roughly glanced over some professional words, and his eyes fell directly on the blood match between Li Yanchen and Li Yanli, 0.0999%... The matching degree of ... made his gentle smile stiffen suddenly.

He raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Li Yanchen in astonishment.

"Brother, what does this mean?"

A sarcasm flashed across Li Yanchen's wise eyes. "That's what you see."

"No, no, I don't believe it." If this is true, then why has he hated him for so many years?

Li Yanli angrily tore up the identification documents in his hand. He shouted, "You're lying to me." The

ferocious face was twisted wildly. "Tell me, none of this is true."

"It is true." Li Yanchen said rationally.

"No, it's not true." Li Yanli suddenly smiled calmly.

"I know you have always been worried about me and have been guarding against me in the dark. Now that you show this, it means that you understand everything I have done in private. Now that you show me this, it means that you are afraid. , you are afraid that I will take away the Li Group, and you are afraid that I will retaliate for everything you did to me back then."

The disguise of many years was completely exposed at this moment.

"I'm afraid?" Li Yanchen looked down from above, the contempt in his eyes was clearly visible.

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