Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 My Uncle is a Villain (6)

"Jinnian, my little nephew needs your attention." Li Yanli was like a boy in love for the first time, thinking wholeheartedly about the person he likes.

Li Jinnian waved his hand shyly. "No, don't say that."

Li Fuhuan stood at the top of the stairs, with his hands in his pockets, watching Li Yanli with a condescending look on the sidelines, as if Li Jinnian was content with everything.

Li Jinnian's clear eyes carried a little curiosity, like a young boy who has just entered the grassland and doesn't understand anything, looking at the luxurious villa of the Li family anxiously.

Li Fuhuan stood on it and observed him for a long time, but he didn't see any expression on his face other than pure shyness.

As for Li Yanli, his eyes have never left Li Jinnian ever since Li Fuhuan stood here. Even he, who has never been in love, understands the meaning of that fiery gaze, but Li Jinnian can stand in that fiery place. With a calm gaze, turning a blind eye, Li Fuhuan didn't know whether to admire his mental quality, or to say that he was young and frivolous?

Sure enough, they are all acting masters, and all of them are movie kings! It's a pity not to mix in the entertainment industry.

Except for the original owner, who is not from the Li family.

There was nothing famous about it, so Li Fuhuan walked down the stairs without wasting any time.

The sound of footsteps woke up the two people in the living room.

Li Yanli heard the footsteps coming from behind, he stood up quickly, turned around, and pulled Li Jinnian who was sitting beside him towards Li Fuhuan with a happy face.

"Xiao Huan." The gentle voice as always, but with a rare warmth.

Li Fuhuan raised his head proudly, with his nostrils upturned, and walked down the stairs alone, with his hands in his trouser pockets casually, and the bangs on his forehead covered the corner of his left eye.

Standing in front of Li Yanli, he nodded respectfully to Li Yanli and called 'Uncle'.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't look at Li Jinnian who was standing aside.

A trace of resentment and jealousy flashed across Li Jinnian's clear pupils.

They are also Li Yanchen's son and woman, why can Li Fuhuan and Han Jinxian live here aboveboard, enjoying the envious eyes of outsiders and the prosperity and wealth of the Li family?

What about him? Where is his mother?

What do they have besides a decently worthwhile apartment?

In terms of identity, they can't see the light? But isn't his mother Li Yanchen's first love? Didn't he say that the woman he loves the most is his mother?

Since he loves his mother so much, why should he wrong his mother to be a hateful lover. woman?

After all, it's all about money!

Li Yanchen spoiled his mother's feelings so much because he was rich! Because the money gave him the confidence to dare to ruin his mother's life!

Li Yanchen deserves to die, Li Fuhuan shouldn't be alive, and the Li family shouldn't exist either!

Strong hatred lurked in his heart, but those clear eyes were still as clean as ever, and he looked at Li Fuhuan curiously.

"Brother Li? Is he your little nephew, the student I want to teach?" The purely curious voice was indeed very clean.

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