Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 My Uncle is a Villain [Eighteen]

In the serious living room, Li Yanchen sat on the sofa with a cold face.

And Li Jinnian didn't go to work this time, and played the role of a good son, softly comforting the angry Li Yanchen.

Standing at the stairs, Li Fuhuan observed the atmosphere of the living room first, and was about to go downstairs when Li Yanli walked in panting. It looks like he ran in.

Before he could speak, Li Yanchen casually picked up the cup on the tea table and threw it at Li Yanli.


Perhaps Li Yanli didn't expect such a situation, and stood there in a daze for a while, letting the cup and the coffee in the cup that Li Yanchen threw hit his chest. The brown coffee stained his coat, and it rolled to the ground. Li Yanli wears black suits most of the time, and today is no exception.

"Uncle." Li Fuhuan was shocked and ran down the stairs quickly.

That reckless posture made Han Jinxian behind her hurriedly shout: "Be careful."

Li Yanchen was already very angry. Sheng, when he heard Li Fuhuan's voice, his elegant and steady face became a bit ferocious, and he roared angrily: "You little bastard, your courage is getting fatter, and your wings are stiff!"

Li Fuhuan ran to the place panting heavily . Li Yanli asked worriedly in front of him: "Uncle, are you okay?"

Seeing that his son was not calming his emotions at this moment, but defending that bastard, Li Yanchen's slightly ferocious face was slightly distorted.

"Li Fuhuan, come here for me."

Han Jinxian went downstairs slowly. She wasn't worried about what happened to her son, but this old man dared to call her son a little beast...

"Old man, who do you think is What about the beast?"

Now even his wife was against him, Li Yanchen slapped the table in front of him, angrily said: "Isn't it because you are an ignorant woman, look at what virtue you have taught my son."

Han Jinxian snorted disdainfully, and sat gracefully and naturally on the sofa next to her. "Don't say what I said, I only know that Xiao Huan is my son. You, who have never fulfilled your father's responsibility for a day, are not worthy of telling me about education."

Li Yanli looked at Li Fuhuan gently and asked him how he was. The warmth and satisfaction he has never experienced in more than thirty years.

She shook her head at him with a smile in her affectionate eyes. "I'm fine."

Afterwards, he raised his head and met Li Yanchen's furious face: "Actually speaking, you really don't have the right to do anything to me. After all, I'm no longer from your Li family, am I?

" Not qualified?" Li Yanchen laughed back. "Even if you are not from my Li family, but you have eaten and drank my Li family's food since you were a child, this kind of nurturing grace is your qualification."

Li Yanchen's words contain a lot of information!

What do you mean even if you are not my Li family?

Li Fuhuan was in a fog for a while.

On the contrary, Han Jinxian looked as expected, her eyes poured out. Out of contempt and ridicule.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little tense, and Li Jinnian said in a timely manner: "Dad, maybe things are not what you think?"

The moment Li Jinnian spoke, Li Fuhuan knew that he must have something bad to say.

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