Chapter 138 Arc10

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Chapter 138 The Falling Flower Season Meets You Again (Part 1)

This is a deserted and uninhabited extreme ice mountain. The bad weather changes rapidly. It is obvious that there is heavy snow just now, and the sun is shining brightly in a blink of an eye. When Xu Fuhuan walked on the ice field, even he couldn't resist the biting cold.

Xu Fuhuan tightened the thin robe around her body, and rubbed her red and frozen hands.

At this time, Xu Fuhuan was extremely missing the ring space that was not traversed together. Because the ring space was too heaven-defying, when he was traversed inexplicably this time, except for him, all the things that did not belong to this world did not follow him. He came into this world together.

It's a pity that Yuqing gave him those fairy artifacts and pills.

I don't know if the storage ring he gave the mute was taken back when the mute returned.

It should be able to take it back. There is storage space in the dumb world. When he was picking things, he also took this into consideration, so what he was given was basically simple basic skills and medicine that could heal Qi Jin.

What to do after thinking so much, what he is thinking about now is how to get out of this snow field.

Xu Fuhuan checked the place, but still couldn't find anything strange. In order to prove that he was not careless, he deliberately stepped on a footprint to see how it disappeared.

Under his watchful eyes, the shallow footprints did not change. Xu Fuhuan frowned, opened his mind, and made sure that there was nothing weird around him, then turned around and planned to move forward.

It's just that the consciousness is firmly fixed on a certain place.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned around, the footprints left by him slowly disappeared.

Xu Fuhuan didn't stop, and continued to walk forward. Suddenly-

just as the last footprint was about to disappear, Xu Fuhuan suddenly turned around-

under the warm sun, a transparent figure crouched behind him, concentrating on Smooth the marks he left with your hands.

The transparent figure merged with the sky and the earth, if the sun hadn't come out at this moment, showing his figure, Xu Fuhuan would not have been able to find him.

"What are you?" While Xu Fu happily drank, a touch of green aura was familiarly accumulated in his fingers. As if there was anything wrong with this transparent figure, his aura would be released.

However, what Xu Fuhuan didn't expect was that the transparent figure seemed to be frightened, and it just disappeared under his nose.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

If he read correctly, the figure just now was a person, or it would be more accurate to call it a ghost.

Xu Fuhuan's body was tense, and he looked around, but he didn't expect that ghost to be so timid that he didn't know where to hide. It was freezing cold, and Xu Fuhuan didn't have the patience to find him .

After being with him for so long, I didn't feel any malice. Although I didn't understand why he was so obsessed with footprints, since there was no malice, Xu Fuhuan didn't bother to care about him.

Xu Shi was frightened just now, this time he didn't follow closely behind him, but sneakily smoothed his footprints when he wasn't paying attention.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

Xu Fuhuan walked in the snow field for half a day, and finally came to a snow peak. Looking up, the ice and snow peaks stand higher than one another on this vast snow field. The rising sun shines on the peaks, and the illuminated snow peaks are shining red.

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