Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 The Development of Mr. Villain (2)

This is the intricate relationship that Xu Fuhuan mentioned at the beginning.

Because even if An Xia has forgotten everything, the hero Ning Qian knows.

But he didn't say anything, and even asked his parents to completely erase that bad past in order to cover up his betrayed past.

This also led to the fact that when the Sheng family wanted to follow Ning Qian and An Xia's footsteps, those clues had long been erased.

Xu Fuhuan doesn't like the hero in this world very much, and thinks he is too selfish. If he hadn't worried about his disgraceful past back then, he wouldn't have suffered so many years in his prime. Of course, Xu Fuhuan couldn't say that the original owner was a good person, but he didn't have the right to say anything wrong about him, after all, he At this moment, it still occupies other people's body.

Lao Hei has a fixed residence in the small town, but when he came back this time, besides wanting to secretly sell Sheng Nian and An Xia for a good price, he was also afraid of the mayor's little boy. My sister-in-law came to catch people, so I chose such a remote and complicated alley.

Er Gouzi first stepped forward and knocked on the door. After waiting for a long time, there was no sound from inside. Er Gouzi kicked impatiently on the rusty iron gate. This alley is full of old houses with walls The lime powder on it was in disrepair due to years, and the environment was dark and damp. Wet, Er Gouzi stepped down, and the precarious limestone blocks on the wall fell down with the vibration of the iron door.

Xu Fuhuan took a few steps back speechlessly.

"Is he not at home?"

"Impossible. When I came back from him in the morning, he said that he would not go out for a few days. You know, he was afraid of meeting the little sister-in-law of the mayor. "

Xu thought of the little girl in the mayor's house. Auntie, Er Gouzi first showed a bewildered smile, then touched his face with his hands, after touching his face, he stroked his hair that could squeeze out oil, winked at Xu Fuhuan and said: " What do you think of me?"

Xu Fuhuan was taken aback, "How about what?"

"What about me?"

Just as Xu Fuhuan opened his mouth, before he could speak, Er Gouzi continued: "Tell me, if I dress up, will Zhang Chunhua take a fancy to me?"

Xu Fuhuan squinted and was immersed in fantasy Unable to extricate himself, Er Gouzi said coolly, "It's broad daylight now."


What do you mean?

Er Gouzi asked in a daze.

"Begin dreaming before night, why don't you die?" Does

this mean that he is daydreaming? ! Er Gouzi glared at Xu Fuhuan, and said angrily, "I haven't despised her for being a broken shoe." "

My brother-in-law is the mayor, do you think she won't be wanted?"

It wasn't that Xu Fuhuan belittled Er Gouzi, It's really that Er Gouzi is not good-looking, let's put aside the issue of appearance, judging by his sloppy image, he is a girl, and I don't like lazy people like him.

Idle around all day, without a serious job, spend a meal at this house today, and another meal at another house tomorrow, full and hungry, that girl is willing to suffer like this with him? What's more, Zhang Chunhua lives in the mayor's house with her sister, who is popular and hot, if he has a good-looking face like Lao Hei, maybe he will be willing to post back, just like him, ha ha!

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