Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 The Trash Picking Villain (9)

The spaceship is suspended in mid-air with a certain height.

There are some people standing densely under the spaceship. It may be that something happened on other planets in the past six months. Recently, there are fewer and fewer spaceships transporting garbage, which indirectly leads to a serious shortage of food for everyone.

The big curly hair was dragged here by his own brother.

Glancing at the excited and longing expression on his younger brother's face from the corner of his eye, the big curly hair sighed, even if he was not doing it for himself, but only to satisfy his younger brother, he didn't want to get on the dumb boat, so he had to bite the bullet!

Xu Fuhuan who was standing aside frowned.

This spaceship seemed a little different from the spaceship he saw last time.

Seeing that the little curly hair was emotional, Xu Fuhuan grabbed his wrist, and in the little curly hair's puzzled eyes.

"Wait, don't be in a hurry, let's see the situation."

"Yes, listen to your dumb brother, don't be in a hurry." The big curly hair wished that Fu Huan would give up the idea of ​​hijacking the spaceship.

Even if you don't give up, if you can delay it for a second, it's best to delay it until the spaceship drives away, and then everyone will be happy.

Little Curly thought that Xu Fuhuan was scared, and was anxious. "Brother dumb, if you don't do anything, they will leave."

I have never seen someone so eager to die.

The big curly hair slapped the back of the little curly hair with a look of resentment. "You are in a hurry, go up without knowing the situation, how many lives do you have to die?"

Others are afraid of his brother, but the little curly hair is not afraid. He has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and now he is watching When he came out, his brother didn't want to leave here at all, and couldn't help but glared at the big curly hair angrily.

"Brother, are you timid and scared?"

"You--" being poked by your younger brother, your curly cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

The two brothers were fighting and making noise nearby, but Xu Fuhuan's mind was tense and he raised his vigilance.

Without him, because his consciousness was blocked by the spaceship again, and he found a totem on the tail of the spaceship.

It was a black logo, a bright red flower, which was particularly eye-catching on the black spaceship.

Xu Fuhuan withdrew his consciousness and concentrated his attention. This flower was very familiar, it was a feeling of familiarity engraved in his bones, but he clearly remembered that he had never seen it before.

what is it?

Xu Fuhuan checked the original owner's memory, but the original owner's memory was still the same as before, and he could not find any clues.

After thinking about it, Xu Fuhuan turned his head slightly, and asked Big Curly: "You have seen such a flower before." As he said, Xu Fuhuan squatted down. The body is traced in place.

Xu Fuhuan himself has a bit of painting skills. He remembers that he seems to have been a painter in a certain world, but he hasn't done it for a long time, and his hands should be very jerky. But when he picked up a stone and drew the flower on the ground, he You are not allowed to meditate at all. The sense of familiarity seems to be engraved in the soul. You don't need to think about it, and draw it spontaneously with your hands.

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