Chapter 79

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Chapter 79 Juggernaut, Your Creation Is Collapsed (9)

A bowl of medicine.

What Hua Shijun drank made his mouth bitter and his heart sour.

Intuit is not taste.

After Xu Fuhuan left, Hua Shijun couldn't bear it any longer and jumped out of bed, ran to the window sill and wowed, and vomited all the medicine juice in his stomach into the flowerpot on the window sill.

There are various tastes when you drink it, and even more unpleasant taste when you vomit it.

Especially when the palate experienced the sour and refreshing taste again, the bitter Hua Shijun's face suddenly turned pale.

Hua Shijun wished he could vomit all his bile.

Only then did his body go limp and fart. Sitting on the ground, his mouth was full of bitterness, which made his heart ache.

What is dust-free, you can't keep it decisively.

It was so bad, it made him feel very uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Xu Fuhuan returned to the kitchen satisfied with the empty bowl.

My mind is full of Mr. Huashi's look of seeing death like home, remembering that just now Mr. Huashi hesitated to change the subject for the sake of changing the subject, but just refused to take the medicine. Can't help raising the corners of his mouth to chuckle.

So, if you don't leave the door, you will be the gentleman on the beam.

Also learned to steal. peep.

Gao Leng Juggernaut's personality was completely destroyed by him.

Back in the room, I was going to take a bath in the hot spring behind the valley with clean clothes.

Pushing open the door, Xu Fuhuan put away his overflowing smile in vain, condensed his face, and glanced back and forth in the small space.

The room was clean and bright, and filled with incense, and there was a vague smell of blood.

Xu Fuhuan immediately put his foot on the threshold, and quietly withdrew it.

He planned to run towards Huashi-kun's room.

This is a world where everyone is a master of martial arts. He is a powerless scholar. Although he has the title of little prince, who cares about his title in this deep mountain and old forest?

If he ran a step slower, he was really dead.

Suddenly -

with a 'bang', the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded from behind the bed.

Xu Fuhuan was startled, and his footsteps that wanted to escape stopped in mid-air.

"Master... Young Master."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Xu Fuhuan frowned.

He walked quickly to the back of the bed, and saw a man in a black tights lying on the ground covered in cuts and bruises, his body covered with bruises.

"Xu Da?"

"My lord, please punish me, my subordinate is late."

After Xu Da finished speaking with difficulty, he rolled his eyes and fainted in front of Xu Fuhuan.


the next day.

Xu Fuhuan came to Hua Shijun's room again with the boiled medicine.

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