Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 The Villain Is My Furnace (17)

Xu Fuhuan could understand Fenglan's pain, but he didn't know how to comfort Fenglan, so he had to change the subject and said, "How did you recognize that I was not Chaohuan?" Hearing this, Fenglan gave a wry smile


He said in a hoarse voice, "Maybe it's because the person I love is him, so I know you are not him." The

specious answer made Xu Fuhuan understand.

This trip, he was also a little tired, Xu Fuhuan brushed off the hem of his clothes, and sat beside Feng Lan without hesitation, even though he didn't do much in the process of dealing with the demon king, but he was tired ah.

Xu Fuhuan squinted at Feng Lan who was still immersed in the pain and couldn't help herself, and continued: "What happened to you back then? Can you tell me about it?" The memory of the past was actually not

good The only good thing is that when Feng Lan was in despair and thought he was going to die, Chao Huan appeared in front of him like a god, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, like his unrivaled hero, not only saved him, but also mourned for it. Killed.

Although he is a very familiar hero saving the beauty, and he is not a beauty, but such a routine can really move people's hearts.

At least, at that moment he was looking forward to someone coming to save him.

And when Chao Huan appeared, he was really moved.

After listening to Feng Lan's speech, Xu Fuhuan said, "Then do you know that this body is actually Chao Huan's?"

Contrary to Xu Fuhuan's expectation, Feng Lan just gave him a sad look, then Turning his head, he said melancholy: "I know."

"I also know that he kidnapped me back then, and I also know that you took his body and caused him to live in a body made of purple thunder spirit wood." "

Oh ?"

Xu Fuhuan raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Chao Huan to even tell Feng Lan about this.


"Chao Huan didn't tell me, I discovered it myself." Speaking of this, Feng Lan was silent for a while, her red eyes dimmed, and she continued: "In the beginning I did treat you as him, Even when Chao Huan appeared in front of me, I didn't doubt it until we came out of the Immortal Secret Realm, what he did, plus..." Feng

Lan lowered her head and glanced at the ring in her hand.

Xu Fuhuan followed his gaze and looked over, understanding in his heart.

"He doesn't have this in his hand."

Feng Lan raised her arm, stretched out her slender fingers in front of Xu Fuhuan, and said with a soft smile, "Now you should understand, right?"

Xu Fuhuan nodded.

Feng Lan took off the ring on her finger and handed it to Xu Fuhuan.

"Return it to the original owner."

Xu Fuhuan refused, "Take it as a gift from me, you know, I don't covet you."

Feng Lan was noncommittal.

Although Xu Fuhuan snatched Chao Huan's body, Chao Huan didn't care about it. It seemed too petty for him to care about it as an outsider. Moreover, he didn't dislike Xu Fuhuan. He had an intuition that if this person didn't show up, Maybe his fate will be worse than today.

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